- Mobile Intensive Care Unit 移动重症监护或装置
- The intensive care unit, any place with four walls? 重症监护病房,一个密不透风的地方?
- Acute neuromuscular weakness in the intensive care unit. 病人的急性神经肌肉萎缩。
- She is in isolation in an intensive care unit and is in stable condition. 她正在深切治疗部接受隔离,情况稳定。
- Due to the seriousness of his condition, he was put in the intensive care unit. 由于病情严重,医生把他安排在了特护病室。
- He'd been rescued by a Blackfoot Indian,had lain unconscious for six days in a Montana hospital's intensive care unit,and ended up with neurological damage and a blind right eye. 在蒙大拿一家医院的特别护理室昏迷了六天,最终还是留下神经损伤和右眼失明的后遗症。
- We compared HBS and ABS (remifentanil-based sedation) within a general intensive care unit (ICU). 基于催眠的镇静(HBS)常规使用咪唑安定和/或异丙酚,在必要时加用吗啡或其他镇痛药物。
- Anyone who has been exposed to gaseous HF and experiences respiratory irritation should also be admitted to and monitored in an intensive care unit. 应该把任何已经暴露于气态HF并且受到了呼吸道刺激的人也送入加护病房,小心监护。
- When I walked into the Intensive Care Unit there was an awesome feeling knowing I, too, had been a patient there. 当我走进特别护理室时,一种敬畏之感油然而生,因为我知道自己也曾是这里的病人。
- He was discharged from the intensive care unit last week and transferred to a general ward. 上星期他从加护病房转到普通病房。
- Myopathy and the concurrent administration of corticosteroids and neuromuscular blockers are well described in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. 在ICU,肌病与同时给予皮质类固醇和神经肌肉阻滞剂被详细记录。
- Objective: To investigate the incidence and risk factors of nosocomial MRSA infections in intensive care unit(ICU). 目的:了解耐甲氧西林金葡菌(MRSA)在重症监护病房(ICU)的感染及相关因素,为有效控制感染提供科学依据。
- Objective:To Provide the clinical evidence of hospital acquired infection in intensive care unit(ICU). 目的:为防治ICU的医院感染提供临床依据。
- He developed paralysis in the four extremities with flaccid muscle 5 days after admission to the intensive care unit (ICU), and delayed weaning once the sepsis was under control. 在入加护病房住院第五天时发现四肢瘫痪及肌肉无力而且当败血症已控制后却仍然难以脱离呼吸器。
- To review the experiences of reoperation for hemorrhage after open heart surgery in the intensive care unit(ICU). 目的总结体外循环心脏手术后床边二次开胸止血的经验和教训,以减少心脏手术后并发症的发生率。
- The next afternoon, Venkataraman and several nurses gathered around Brittany's bed in the Intensive Care Unit. 第二天下午,维卡塔拉曼和几个护士围在特护病房布里特妮的床边。
- How does information influence hope in family members of traumatic coma patients in intensive care unit? 信息如何影响重症监护室中创伤性昏迷患者家属的希望建立?
- In the intensive care unit, there are some disorders associated with thrombocytopenia and microangiopathic hemolysis. 摘要在加护病房,有些疾病会合并血小板低下及微血管病变性溶血。
- The runner ended up in the coronary intensive care unit at Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center in Jerusalem. 该患者最后被送入耶路撒冷的希伯莱哈大沙大学医疗中心的冠心病加护病房。
- Methods: 56 critically ill patients with IMI in intensive care unit were retrospectively analyzed. 方法:回顾性分析重症监护病房内56例临床资料,并与健康组15例对照。