- Miyagawa Wataru 宫川涉(1924-),日本人,外交官。
- Dower and Miyagawa or the MIT administration. 下行和宫或麻省理工学院管理。
- Professor Miyagawa deserves equal respect. 宫教授应有平等尊重。
- Wataru Hiromatsu makes errors as well as contributions in his studies of both philosophies. 广松涉在认识两者的关系时,既有重要的贡献,也有严重的失误。
- MIYAGAWA TOMI.Production of high-quality pyroligneous acid materal[P].Japan:JP11269469,1999-10-05. 阮长青;方明.;稻壳干馏液体产品制取乙酸及药用糠馏油[J]
- Email messages from some MIT alumni have even called for Professors Dower and Miyagawa to be fired. 电子邮件从美国麻省理工学院的一些同学甚至要求下行教授和宫被解雇。
- Hiromatu Wataru maintains that in epistemology both classic physics and modern physics show a certain degree of misunderstandings. 广松涉认为,无论经典物理学还是现代物理学,它们在认识论上都存在某种程度的物象化误视。
- I will add that I write only for myself and do not claim to represent the opinions of Profs.Dower and Miyagawa or the MIT administration. 因此,我为最近的抗议感到深深的不安,因为它们威胁破坏了这种建设性对话的可能性。
- Matsumoto, Tatsuro Hayami, Itaru and Hashimoto, Wataru(1965) Some molluscan fossils from the buried Cretaceous of western Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 4, 1-24. 松本达郎、速水格、桥本?(1965)台湾西部平原探井内所发现白垩纪软体动物类化石。台湾石油地质,第4号,第1-24页。
- When 10 year old Wataru's father leaves home and his mother is taken ill to hospital, he decides to change his fate by travelling through the door shown to him by his friend Mitsuru. 人的一生总是要和命运有千丝万缕的羁绊。渡本来是一个11岁的平凡普通的小男孩,却要突然面对父亲抛弃家庭,母亲意图自杀的不幸遭遇。
- V-Sido by Wataru Yoshizaki (runner-up)Most robots used for entertainment, in research and other areas have one common problem: They can only move in a slow, mechanical and chopping motion. 陈琳出事的那天,我正在杭州游山玩水,主编打电话,问我陈琳的事可不可以做一个报道,我当场就否定了,说不可以。理由是第一我还不知道是怎么回事,很难判断是否可以做;
- In addition, for Bendizao mandarin, Ponkan citrus and Miyagawa wase with low acid degree, the AI activity obviously affected the composition of sugars at the late stage of fruit development. 在酸度较低的本地早、宫川和椪柑中,果实发育后期汁囊中的AI活性对糖分构成具有重要影响。
- Wataru Hiromatsu: From the Hegelian Logic to Reification 广松涉:从黑格尔逻辑学到物象化理论
- Performance of Miyagawa Wase Satsuma Mandarin and Washington Navel Orange on Trifoliate Orange and Citrange Rootstocks 宫川温州蜜柑和华盛顿脐橙在枳及枳橙砧木上的表现
- Keywords Jinchen;Miyagawa Wase;simultaneous distillation-extraction (SDE);GC-MS;aroma constituents; 锦橙;宫川蜜柑;同时蒸馏提取法;气相色谱-质谱;香气成分;
- “One of our goals is to move robots from the factory to the home without any safety fence,” says Toru Miyagawa of Toyota. “我们的目标就是让机器人从工厂进入到家庭而不用任何的安全笼,”丰田公司的ToruMiyagawa说。
- Kubo Wataru 久保亘(1929-),日本人,参议员。
- Ōsawa Wataru 大泽济(1916-),日本人,动物学教授。
- Endō Wataru 远藤涉(1925-),日本人,官员。
- Narahashi Wataru 楢桥渡(1902-73),日本人,官员。