- The results also showed that when they were in mid-age, the water holding ability of the litter in the mixed forest stand of broadleaf and conifer was higher than that of the litter in the pure broadleaf or in the pure conifer forest stand. 研究结果还表明 ;在同为中龄林条件下 ;三峡库区针阔混交林林下枯落物持水能力大于阔叶树纯林或针叶树纯林林下枯落物持水能力 .
- Mixed forest stands 混交林
- Venture into new paths or walk into overgrown area or mixed forest. 自行闯路,走草丛和杂树林。
- It is suitable for developing water sports.Along the bank, casuarina equisetifolia forest stands there. 沿岸有大片木麻黄林,可为森林活动提供宽阔的腹地空间。
- We only found the Lijiang Spruce and Birch Mixed Forest on the north faced slope behind of the Yangyuchang. 除了洋芋场村寨后北向坡面有丽江云杉林与桦木混生的针阔叶混交林,此次调查路线上其它地方未见。
- Dynamics of energy for fine roots in mixed forest of Cunninghamia lanceolata and Tsoongiodendron odorum. 杉木、观光木混交林群落细根能量动态变化。
- The average population density is above 118 in the forest stand that robur can account for 90% , and 50 in a forest stand that robur account for 40% . 虫口密度与林分组成的关系为栎树纯林和栎树比例在9以上的林分平均虫口在118头/株以上,危害重;而栎树比例在4以下的林分平均虫口在50头/株以上,危害轻。
- Mixed forest Type of temperate forest, consisting of trees of different species. 温带林的一种类型,包括各种不同种类的树木。
- Today, the forest has been fairly well reestablished, tending to a mixed forest of evergreen broad-leaf and deciduous broad-leaf trees in succession. 该群落的物种多样性在同地区的次生林类型中处于较高水平,表明群落以前受到过中度干扰,目前的恢复状况较好,群落的演替趋势是常绿阔叶落叶阔叶混交林。
- Cathaya argyrophylla and Tsuga longibracteata mixed forest in the northern part of Yuecheng Ling, Hunan Provinc. 湖南省越城岭北部罗汉洞的银杉与长苞铁杉混交林.
- Our research finds that the living needles can pyrolyze easily.The decomposition of needles can result in the total reduction of heat of forest stand from DSC thermogram. 且由活松针与上下层枯落松针之高低温热解曲线之变化,说明松叶腐化过程对林分整体热含量之减低有其作用。
- The protection of diversity in Chinese-fir and broad-leaved mixed forest in different habitats should be emphasized. 应该重视不同生境中杉阔混交林多样性的保护。
- In urbanizing area, there were three major land use types, i.e., urban building, ecological regulation (mainly forest stand), and agricultural production (mainly crop land). 在不同的城乡梯度带;城市化地区城建用地、生态用地和生产用地3种主要土地利用方式的价值输出不同.
- The dynamic uptrend of diversity and evenness indexes between mix forest and pure forest are analogical, and on the contrary it is different. 混交林中群落数量、丰富度及多样性指数多数月份高于纯林。
- In the midst of the endless pine forest stood a single group of oak trees. 在无边无际的松林当中,有一小丛橡树。
- The forest type in existence is monotonous and the forest stands of zonal forest type lie no more,so that the potential and the advantage of the zonal climate resources have not been exploited. 该区现有森林植被类型结构十分单调,地带性森林植被类型的林分很少,未能充分发挥地带性气候资源潜力和优势;
- Extensively Afforestation of Mixed Forest and Enhancement on Integrated Function of Water Conservation Forest in TaiHang Mt. 大力开展混交造林提高太行山水源涵养林整体功能。
- Establishment of the broadleaf mixed forest is of effects in grass protection and lifestock raising and beneficial to establishing forest?grass integrated management model. 沙地草地阔叶树混交林的营建,发挥了以林保草、以林促牧的作用,有利于建立林草复合经营模式。
- The average height and DBH of ? Fokienia hodginsii? in the mixed forest are 2 08 m and 1 50 cm greater than that in the pure forest,respectively. 结果表明,混交林中,福建柏的平均树高和平均胸径,分别比福建柏纯林大2?08m和1?50cm。