- Mitin FF 妨蠹灵
- Mark hauled o ff and threw a touchdown pass. 马克突然传出一个触地球。
- Mitin, Dmitri A.Romanov, Michael P. 放大图片 作者: Vladimir V.
- I doubt ff that was what he wanted. 我拿不准那是否是他想要的。
- I wondered ff you could help me. 我不知你能否帮我一下。
- A ferocious blast (ff) starts off the reprise. 重奏在一记爆破般的响声中开始。
- What's problem? The display relationship is FF. 有什么问题?显示出来的是FF。
- The rows and columns of A span FF n. '与单位矩阵行(列)等价。
- FF: It's a milestone in television history. 它是电视史上的里程碑.
- T shows the letters “Aa,Bb,Cc,Ff,Pp”. Ss read. 两人进行比赛,听老师的口令举起字母,看谁动作快。
- Harrier comes with FF or 4 wheel drive. 后轮驱动的车起步时;前轮会打滑;我都是第壹次听.
- It will depart at 10:00 in the evening and the fare is FF 200 each. 晚上十时,每张车票二百法朗。
- You'll be mined at last ff you try to spread yourself too. 他这一辈子干了许多样事情,可是一样也没干好。
- Failure, like pain, is[ color=#0000 ff] alien[/ color] to my life. 失败和我,就像水火一样,互不相容。
- In this example, the value of the last byte is hexadecimal FF. 此示例中,最后一个字节的值为十六进制的FF。
- Command, exhortation, invitation to believe. Hodge, 645 ff. 福音包括来信基督的吩咐,劝勉,和邀请。
- In 1954 the new president of the FF was John McCloy. 从1954年起,强卖客担任福特基金会的理事长。
- I will use both lor...no need to change into FF only. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
- Anybody has this lens and is its performance good with FF body? 发烧是圆梦的过程,既是痛苦的,又是令人欢愉的。
- The stop message also uses the command $FE and address/subcode $FF. 停止信息也使用命令%24FE和地址/子%24法郎。