- We watched the mists ascending from the valley below. 我们看著薄雾从下面的山谷中升起。
- We watched the mists ascending from the valley . 我们看到雾从山谷升起。
- We watched the mists ascending from the valley. 我们看着薄雾从山谷升起。
- Mist ascended from the valley. 薄雾从山谷升起。
- The mists are ascending from the valley. 雾正在从山谷升起。
- Eddies of mist rose from the valley. 山谷中薄雾袅袅。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- He looks down from the top of the mountain to the valley far below. 他从山顶向下眺望下面幽深的山谷。
- Thick smoke ascended from the burning plane. 浓烟从燃烧中的飞机升起。
- We looked down from the mountain to the valley below. 我们从山上俯瞰下面的山谷。
- We are going to pipe the water up from the valley. 我们将用管道把水从山谷里引上来。
- Can you hear the musical tune from the valley? 你听到从山谷里传来的悦耳的调子了吗?
- He overlooked the valley from the hill. 他从山上眺望山谷。
- The regiments debouched from the valley. 这个团从山谷中走了出来。
- From the valley came a frightening sound. 从山谷里传来了可怕的声音。
- A fog swirled up from the valley. 雾从山谷中涡旋而升。
- From the valley came a tinkling sound. 山谷里传来叮叮当当的声音。
- I have believed it was much easier to descend from the whole to a part than to ascend from a part to the whole. 我相信,从整体来推论部分比从部分来求解整体要容易得多。
- Green fields are gone from the valleys. 绿色的田野在山谷中消失了。
- And one by one the smokes begin to ascend from the chimneys amid the trees and snows. 树际和雪堆之间,炊烟也是一处一处地从烟囱里往上飞升。