- Missile Launcher Control Group 导弹发射器控制组
- A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow. 中世纪飞弹发射器是根据弩的原理设计的。
- Ballista: Ancient missile launcher designed to hurl long arrows or heavy Balls. 投石机: 古代投掷物体之发射器,用作发射长箭或重型球状物。
- Group of guns or missile launchers operated together at one place. 在同一地方同时开动一组大炮或导弹的发射人员。
- Control group use inject muscle pethidine. 对照组采用常规肌肉注射止痛剂哌替啶。
- This is the faithful Hummer with a TOW missile launcher in place of the roof-mounted machine gun. 这是在原来装有机关枪的地方换装了一部陶式导弹发射具的悍马。
- The control group took chlorpheniramine orally. 对照组口服扑尔敏。
- The control group was set as well. 同时设立对照组。
- Hauthuum: T3 battleship, armed with three heavy Quarnon cannons, two AA cannons, two tactical missile defenses and a strategic missile launcher. T3战舰,配备有三个光束重型火炮,两节防空火炮,两个战术导弹防御系统和战略导弹发射架。
- Fixed an issue with control group selection. 修正了控制组选取的问题。
- If the target of the LONG-RANGE FIRE is not in range, the missile launcher will advance towards it. 如果目标物在长程射击射程之外,火箭弹发射车将会靠近目标物。
- The control group rated higher in all areas. 参照组在所有的领域的等级都比较高。
- Special Ability: 5% bonus to kinetic missile damage and missile launcher rate of fire per skill level. 特别的能力:每级技能加5%25飞弹损害和导弹发射率。
- PBS control group was established. 同时设PBS对照组。
- But is only effecive against the smaller defenses (because it has rapid fire against them): Ion cannon, missile launcher, light laser, heavy laser. 导弹舰也只对小型的防御有效(因为有快速射击),中子炮,导弹发射器,轻激重激。
- There were study group(A) and control group(B). 分试验组A和对照组B两组。
- Cruder than the Plex portable missile launcher, the MiniMag is nonetheless a potent piece of portable artillery. 虽然比“普莱克斯”便携式导弹发射器简陋,“迷你弹仓”仍然是一种威力强大的便携式兵器。
- The MiniMag PTL missile launcher was largely unchanged from its day serving the Grand Army of the Republic. 迷你弹仓PTL导弹发射器自服役于大共和国军队以来,大体上未曾进行过任何改动。
- WKY was experimented as control group. 正常雄性大鼠作为对照组。