- Miracle takes place every day. 奇迹每天都在发生.
- Very wonderful change in matter takes place every day to which we pay little attention. 我们很少注意的物质中,每天都在发生很奇妙的变化。
- The newspapers would be, oh my goodness, this thick to report all the good news that takes place every day. 因此没有别的新闻。如果要报导每天发生的所有好消息,报纸可能要这么厚了。
- Very wonderful change in matter take place every day to which we pay little attention. 我们很少注意的物质中很奇妙的变化每天都在发生。
- A mini-PDCA cycle takes place every day as we constantly check our activities to the plan, and take action as necessary. 由于我们不断地检查计划完成的情况并在必要时采取措施,因此每天都在进行一次小的PDCA循环。
- In midst of all the daily chaos that goes on in the world, a different type of pandemonium takes place every day in the workplace. 我们的世界每天都发生着各种各样的事情,我们的工作场所也发生了非同寻常的趣事。
- Although we have entered 21st century of a high standard civilization, it is undeniable that violence against women takes place every day some where at corners of the world. 我们已进入高度文明的21世纪,但有一点却是不可否认,世界各地某些角落每天都在发生针对女性的暴力事件。
- Christmas takes place every December. 圣诞节是在每年的12月份。
- Elections take place every year. 每年都进行各项选举。
- Now, in that city, an unusual party takes place every Halloween. 如今在那里,每个万圣节前夕都会举行一场不同寻常的聚会。
- The Summer Olympic Games take place every four years. 奥林匹克夏季运动会每四年举行一次。
- A miracle took place: three factory houses of Shanghai Flour Factory in their special architecture still stands by Suzhou Creek. 奇迹出现了,上海面粉厂的三幢风格独特的老厂房依然耸立在苏州河岸边。
- Elections take place every four years and Congress meets once a year. 每隔4年进行一次选举,国会一年开一次会。
- That miracle took place on Christmas night, 1776.George Washington planned a surprise attack on the enemy forces camped across the Delaware River in Trenton, New Jersey. 这一奇迹发生在1776年圣诞节晚上,乔治华盛顿针对驻扎在新泽西特伦顿特拉华河畔的敌军制定了一次突然袭击。
- Don’t wait for the Last Judgment. It takes place every day.---Albert Camus. 不要等待最终审判,它每天都在进行。你的一言一行都在决定着你在最终审判的时候的位置,如果剔除其中宗教的意味,那么我们每天的一言一行何尝不在决定着我们自己的走向呢。多少人因为等待“最终审判”而虚掷年华!
- The Changing of the Guard takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace at 11.30 a.m. every day in summer, every other day in winter, and lasts about 45 minutes. 护卫队的换班仪式是在白金汉宫前院进行的。一般在夏天是每天的11:30分开始,而在冬天就每隔一天进行换班交接仪式。
- It contains 350 stores. In Yaesu you can eat in a different place every day for three months. You can draw money out of a bank. 这个商场有350家店铺。在八重洲你可以在3个月之内每天在不同的饭店进餐。你可以从银行提款。
- The chubby contest takes place every year in this Tuscan town in Italy, gathering fat people from all over Italy. 意大利肥胖人比赛每年在托斯卡纳地区举行一次,参赛者都是来自意大利各地区的肥妞。
- The ministerial conference takes place every three years in China and Africa alternately. 部长会每三年举行一届,轮流在中国和非洲国家召开。
- He slicks his hair down with oil every day. 他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。