- Minxi soviet area 闽西苏区
- While in the Soviet Area we opened literacy classes and peasants'schools. 在苏区时,我们开办过扫盲班和农民学校。
- Causing a serious panic in the Soviet areas. 表现之四,造成了苏区的严重恐慌。
- I became acquainted with Comrade Bocheng in 1931,when we were working in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我同伯承同志认识,是在一九三一年,那时我们都在江西中央苏区。
- I became acquainted with Bocheng in 1931 in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我认识伯承,是一九三一年在中央苏区。
- The third part is the main characters of the workers and peasants amateur education of the Central Soviet Area. 第三部分为中央苏区工农业余教育的主要特点。
- I became acquainted with Comrade Bocheng in 1931, when we were working in the Central Soviet Area in Jiangxi Province. 我同伯承同志认识,是在一九三一年,那时我们都在江西中央苏区。
- Xinyang is well-known revolution base, seat of capital of Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area and hometown of generals. 信阳是著名的革命根据地,是鄂豫皖苏区首府所在地,是将军的故乡。
- Haifeng Xian is the base of the 13 Red is one of the famous old foreign Soviet Area, known as "little Moscow," said. 海丰县是全国十三块红色根据地之一,是全国闻名的老外国苏区,素有“小莫斯科”之称。
- After the Long March of the Red Army main force, Zeng Shan struggled hardly for securing the main force of Red Army and protecting Central Soviet area. 红军主力长征后,他为掩护主力红军长征,保卫中央苏区,进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争。
- Later,when the leaders of the "Left" opportunist line came to the Central Soviet Area,they opposed Comrade Mao Zedong's correct policies and attacked national industry and commerce. 后来“左”倾机会主义路线的领导人到了中央苏区,反对毛泽东同志的正确政策,打击民族工商业。
- During those years,whether we were fighting in the Central Soviet Area,the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area or the Western Hunan-Hubei Soviet Area,we found ourselves encircled by the enemy on all sides. 那时不管在中央苏区,还是鄂豫皖苏区或湘鄂西苏区,都是处于敌人四面包围中作战。
- During those years, whether we were fighting in the Central Soviet Area, the Hubei-Henan-Anhui Soviet Area or the Western Hunan-Hubei Soviet Area, we found ourselves encircled by the enemy on all sides. 那时不管在中央苏区,还是鄂豫皖苏区或湘鄂西苏区,都是处于敌人四面包围中作战。
- In the later Soviet period the enemy imposed a strict blockade on the Soviet areas,with the result that five grams of salt sold for one yuan. 在苏维埃后期,敌人的封锁很严重,盐卖到一块钱一钱。
- He steered into the parking area. 他把车开进了停车区。
- The spirit of Chinese Soviet Areas is the continuation and development of the spirit of Jinggang shan, and it is a new development stage of the spirit of Jinggangshan. 苏区精神是井冈山精神的延续和发展,是井冈山精神的展开和放大,是井冈山精神发展的一个新阶段。
- The spirit of Jinggangshan and the spirit of Chinese Soviet Areas are important constituents of the Chinese revolution spirit, whose source is the spirit of Jinggangshan. 摘要井冈山精神和苏区精神是中国革命精神的重要组成部分。中国革命精神的源头是井冈山精神。
- The slum area was sordid and filthy beyond belief. 该贫民区之污秽肮脏简直令人难以置信。
- Hubei - Henan - Anhui Soviet Area 鄂豫皖苏区
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。