- He works in the Ministry of National Defense. 他在国防部工作。
- This is Liaison Bureau of the ministry of National Defense. 这是国防部连络局。
- The Ministry of National Defense under the State Council directs and administers national de-fense work. 中华人民共和国设有国防部,隶属于国务院,是国务院领导和管理国防建设事业的部门。
- The Ministry of National Defense has awarded comrade Wang the title of combat hero. 国防部授予王同志战斗英雄的称号。
- The military office of the Qing Dynasty was probably the Ministry of National Defense of the present. 清朝的军机处,大概相当于现在的国防部。
- In 2007 the Ministry of National Defense (MND) recruited about 3,172 voluntary female soldiers to join the army. 国防部在96年度积极招募了3,172人次志愿役女性成员加入国军的行列。
- The routine work of the Ministry of National Defense is handled, respectively, by these four general headquarters/departments. 国防部的具体工作由四总部分别办理。
- The Ministry of National Defense stated that the convoy is to combat piracy generally rather than entering into the territoriality of other countries. 国防部称,此次护航打击海盗一般不进入他国领海。
- For importation of undenatured ethyl alcohol used by military authority, military school and military hospital, approval from the Ministry of National Defense is required. 供军事机关、军事学校及军医院使用之自用未变性酒精,应检附国防部之同意文件。
- The Ministry of National Defense (MND) said that preparations are on to set up a press information office which will start functioning at a "proper time". 中国国防部宣布,新闻事务局的筹建工作正在紧张进行中,事务局将在适当的时候正式开展工作,届时将为国内外媒体提供中国国防和军队建设的相关信息。
- In January 2002, Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the National Security Commission of Kazakhstan signed the Frontier Defense Cooperation Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan. 2002年1月,中国国防部与哈萨克斯坦民族安全委员会签署了《中哈边防合作协议》。
- In January 1998,China and the United States signed the Agreement Between the Ministry of National Defense of the PRC and the Department of Defense of the USA on Establishing a Consultation Mechanism to Strengthen Military Maritime Safety. 1998年1月,中国与美国签署《关于建立加强海上军事安全磋商机制的协定》。
- In January 2002,Chinese Ministry of National Defense and the National Security Commission of Kazakhstan signed the Frontier Defense Cooperation Agreement Between China and Kazakhstan. 2002年1月,中国国防部与哈萨克斯坦民族安全委员会签署了《中哈边防合作协议》。
- Since 1995,the Chinese Ministry of National Defense has signed frontier cooperation agreements with the General Administration of Frontier Defense of the Russian Federation and the Administration of Frontier Guards of Mongolia. 1995年以来,中国国防部相继与俄罗斯联邦边防总局、蒙古国边防军管理局签署了边防合作协议。
- The Ministry of National Defense said that in mid-May, an elite brigade of Indian paratroopers will conduct a joint military exercise with the special forces of the US Pacific Command near the renowned Taj Mahal. 国防部说,一支精锐的印度伞兵旅五月中旬将与太平洋美军司令部的特种部队在闻名遐迩的泰姬马哈陵附近举行联合军事演习。
- In 1968 the ARPA of the USA Ministry of National Defense had set up the first network ,and had used the network for the communication of 4 military ground ,finally,it caused the internet developing in the world at a surprised speed. 自1968 年,美国国防部“高等研究计划署(ARPA)”的研究小组研制了第一条网络,并用于4 个军事驻地的联络以来,互联网络以迅猛的速度在世界发展。
- Air force is an important component of national defense. 空军是国防的重要组成部分。
- In January 1998, China and the United States signed the Agreement Between the Ministry of National Defense of the PRC and the Department of Defense of the USA on Establishing a Consultation Mechanism to Strengthen Military Maritime Safety. 1998年1月,中国与美国签署《关于建立加强海上军事安全磋商机制的协定》。
- Taiwan Ministry of National Defense will be secondary Deibert of the general legal instruments of palindrome, the release of a clear military pension Memorial's intent to embezzle. 台湾国防部二级上将戴伯特将军的这份法律文书性回文,释放出清晰的对国军阵亡将士抚恤金的侵吞意图。
- A spokesman for China's Ministry of National Defense says the website is: "launched on a trial basis and will let the outside world have a better perception of China's national defence policy". 中国国防部一位发言人说,该网站是:“一个试用版,它将使外界对于中国防务政策有一个更好的了解。”