- When Wernher was young, his father became minister of agriculture. 韦恩赫还小时,他父亲当上了农业部长。
- He sold his company to become Minister of Agriculture. 他为了当农业大臣把公司卖了。
- Ambassador Wu Wen-huei and a reporter paid a visit to Sr.Fonseca, Costa Rica's Minister of Agriculture. 图4:吴文辉大使陪同笔者一行拜访哥国前农部部长方塞加。
- Mr. Heath is the former Prime Minister of Britain. 希思先生是英国前任首相。
- Though losing to Mitterand in 1981 and 1988, Chiracs political experience was well-rounded, having already become Minister of Agriculture in 1972 and Premier in 1974, and serving as Mayor of Paris from 1977 to 1995. 但是他从政经历完整,1972年就已经是农业部长,1974年是法国总理(季斯卡),1977年起至1995是巴黎市长。
- During the summit, Ren Zhushan, former vise minister of United States Department of Agriculture, dean of Agriculture College of California Institute of Technology, obtains wild applause. 在洽谈会上,美国农业部前副部长、美国加州理工大学农业学院院长任筑山,毫无疑问地成为获得掌声最热烈的外宾。
- He was elected Minister of Education. 他被选为教育部长。
- After a long delay, the agriculturist was finally granted an appointment by the minister of agriculture. 在拖延了很长一段时间后,农学家最终得到了农业部长接见的机会。
- The Federal Minister of Agriculture and Agro-Based Industry Datuk Seri Noh Omar announced the “Rice for the People Subsidy Program” or “Program Subsidi Beras untuk Rakyat (SUBUR). 联邦农业及农基工业部长拿督斯里诺奥马宣布的“白米津贴计划”(SUBUR)。
- The politician was appointed as the Minister of Finance. 这位政治家被任命为财政部长。
- All this signs rejuvenation of agriculture. 所有这些都预示着农业将复苏。
- Fan Xiaojian,vice minister of agricultural ministry,accompanied by leader at different levels,visit the company. 国家农业部副部长范小建在各级领导陪同下到公司视察。
- Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries 农业和渔业大臣
- The students wrote an open letter to the Minister of Education. 学生们给教育部长写了一封公开信。
- [Japan] Minister of Agriculture and Forestry 农林大臣[日]
- Minister of agriculture, forestry and fisheries 农林水产大臣
- A minister of foreign affairs has to have tact. 外交部长必须机智老练。
- China rs Minister of Agriculture Du Qinglin 中国农业部部长杜青林
- China rs Minister of Agriculture 中国农业部部长
- Who is the Prime Minister of Britain? 英国的首相是谁?