- That, in turn, has lifted mining firms' profits and share prices. 同时,这也拉动了采矿公司的利润和股票价格。
- Mining firms, straining to meet soaring demand, are keen to invest heavily in the region. 矿业公司急于应变以满足日益膨胀的需求,并热衷于在该地区加大投资。
- All this has prodded mining firms to find new deposits in Australia, North America and South Africa. 所有这一切促使矿业公司开始在澳大利亚、北美、南非等地寻找新矿。
- Beijing said its anti-monopoly law gives it the right to review the proposed Australian joint venture between mining firms Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. 北京(中国政府)表示,澳大利亚矿产公司”两拓“提交的合资通报,同样适用中国的反垄断法律。
- Mining firms' shares, which plummeted in response to the credit crunch, have perked up a lot since the beginning of the year. 曾应信贷萎缩之声而下挫的采矿业公司股票,自年初以来已大幅反弹。
- Vale do Rio Doce, boosting the fortunes of big mining firms at the expense of steel producers and their customers world-wide. 分析人士预计,在未来几周中,中国及其他国家和地区的钢铁企业达成的铁矿石采购价格会与此相当,甚至更高。
- All this, it is feared, will dent the profits of big oil and mining firms, stoke inflation and imperil the West's access to resources that it needs just as much as China does. 让人极为恐惧的是,所有这一切将会削弱那些大型石油生产商和矿业集团公司的盈利水平,带来原材料成本的暴涨,并进而威胁到西方获取资源的权利。它们的对外能源需求并不逊色于中国。
- Vale, a Brazilian mining firm, has persuaded some steelmakers to pay as much as 71% more this year for its iron ore. 巴西的铁矿公司淡水河谷公司已经说服了一些钢铁制造商今年接受71%25的铁矿涨价。
- BHP Billiton, an Anglo-Australian company that is the world's largest mining firm, is trying to do the biggest deal yet. 英澳公司比和必托,是世界上最大的矿产公司,正试图进行一个至今最大的交易。
- China has formally arrested and charged four employees of mining firm Rio Tinto with stealing trade secrets and taking bribes, Chinese state media reports. 中国国家媒体报道,中国正式逮捕指控了矿业公司里奥廷托四位员工窃取商业机密并受贿。
- This month a mining firm called Lynas Corporation raised A$450m ($400m) to develop the richest deposit of rare earths outside China, at Mount Weld in Western Australia. 本月,莱纳斯矿业公司(LynasCorporation)筹款4.;5亿澳元(合4亿美元),开发中国境外储量最大的西澳大利亚威尔德山(MountWeld)稀土矿。
- So when the fall in commodity prices hit earnings, mining firms responded with swift and deep cuts, closing mines and deferring new projects. 因此当商品价格下滑打压收益时,矿业公司就用快速的大幅减产来应对,即关闭矿山并推迟新项目。
- Large mining firms control just 4 percent of Ghana's territory, but a landgrab by those firms evicted thousands of villagers from their homes, forcing many to survive by poaching gold. 大的矿业公司控制了刚好四公之一的加纳领土,但是这些公司的一场抢地盘把娄以千计的村民赶出了家园,迫使很多人以偷采金矿为生。
- The more money that mining firms spend buying one another, rather than exploring for and developing new mines, the likelier that is. 交易商好像已经猜到,这三家公司可能认为一段时间内金属仍将供不应求,才想到此次天价合并交易。
- Ms McLaughlin highlighted a spate of share issues this year in which two Indian property companies, two banks and a mining firm raised a total of $10bn during a five week period in June and July. 麦克劳林强调,今年出现了大量的上市活动,其中在6月和7月的五周时间内,两家印度房地产公司、两家银行和一家矿业公司总共筹资100亿美元。
- I think your plans will chime in with mine. 我想你的计划会同我的相吻合。
- Meanwhile Vale, a Brazilian mining giant, is rumoured to be mulling an offer for Xstrata, a smaller Anglo-Swiss miner.Anglo American, another vast mining firm, is said to be eyeing Xstrata too. 当然也许其他州的力量也有可能使大选出现戏剧性的逆转,这些州主要是黑人选民集中州(阿拉巴马州;乔治亚州和田纳西州),还有传统选民的集中州(同上,外加犹他州).
- In Europe previously reliable payers like Telecom Italia and Anglo-American, a mining firm,have reduced their payouts, and even BP has said it cannot increase its dividend at today's oil prices. 意大利电信公司、英美资源采矿公司这些以前可靠的股利支付者也开始削减其股利,甚至英国石油公司称,以现在的石油价格,公司将不会再增加股利支付。
- The Chinese Embassy in Indonesia confirmed Tuesday that five Chinese citizens who worked for a mining firm in Aceh province were kidnapped by gunmen over the weekend and held as hostages. 中国驻印尼大使馆官员证实,中国一家矿业公司5名技术人员日前在亚齐省遭一伙持枪歹徒的劫持,有关方面正在全力解救。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。