- Minimum of three filler wraps. 至少三层填料包裹。
- Minimum of three inner wraps to prevent buckling. 最少三层内部包裹,有利于防止挠曲。
- This game requires a minimum of three players. 这个游戏至少需要三个人才可以玩。
- During the Autorotation, pirouette the helicopter a minimum of three (3) times. 执行熄火降落的过程中,机体至少需自旋3圈。
- Scientists locate earthquakes by measuring the time it takes body waves to arrive at seismographs in a minimum of three locations. 科学家通过测定体波到达地震仪所需要的时间,以3个距离中最小的一个来确定地震的位置。
- Training centres provide correctional training for young offenders for periods ranging from a minimum of six months to a maximum of three years. 教导所为年轻犯人提供惩教训练,羁留期由最短6个月至最长3年不等。
- The exponent always consists of a plus or minus sign and a minimum of three digits. 指数总是由正号或负号以及最少三位数字组成。
- That media set contains only tapes, starting with a minimum of three tapes (one per drive). 该媒体集仅包含磁带,最少需要三个磁带(每个磁带机一个磁带)。
- Rhum Vieux are aged a minimum of three years in barrels no less than 650 liters in capacity. 这种朗姆酒需要在650公升内的木桶中陈酿不少于3年。
- A minimum of three years broad based experience in a paint application. Familiarity with paint related spray technology are required. 至少三年涂料应用相关经验,熟悉涂料喷涂工艺是必需的。
- The class needs a minimum of 6 pupils to continue. 这个班最低限度要六个学生才可以继续办下去。
- Either the belt or the inner belt or both must be permanently fixed at the waist or fixed with a minimum of three belt loops. 外腰带或内带或是两者必须缝死于腰际,或是由至少穿过三个皮带环来固定住。
- Kudos should be noted for the landing zone coordination, as well as securing the zone with a minimum of three professionals. 值得称道的是起降区域的协调,以及只有三名专业人员进行维护的该区域安全。
- The train arrived on the dot of three o'clock. 那辆火车三点钟准时到达。
- Passengers may only take aboard the aircraft a minimum of luggage. 乘客上飞机时,只可以带最少量的行李。
- In order to perform the arithmetic, software programs will demand a minimum of three data points representing times to failure (three uncensored data points). 为了履行算术,软件程序将需要至少三年的数据点代表次失败( 3未经审查的数据点) 。
- I did the calculation by the rule of three. 我是根据比例运算法则计算出来的。
- Time table: I will attempt to sleep for 20 minutes once every four hours, starting at 1 A.M.I will continue for a minimum of three weeks, and see where I am after that. 时间表:我将会每四个小时后睡20分钟, ,从下午1点开始,我将持续为最少三个星期,看我的感受会怎样。
- This paper discusses effects of three fillers of fly ash, diatomite and graphite on properties of filled UHMW PE. 本文选用粉煤灰、硅藻土和石墨三种无机填料填充超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMW-PE),考察了填料对其性能的影响。
- I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job. 我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。