- Mine Clearance Planning Agency 清雷计划局
- China continues to promote domestic and international mine clearance efforts. 中国继续推动国内和国际扫雷努力。
- The call also pressed governments to increase resources for humanitarian mine clearance and for victim assistance. 宣言同时呼吁政府增加在人道主义扫雷和受害者人道主义援助方面的投人。
- In addition,the Chinese government has made strenuous efforts in mine clearance,both domestically and internationally. 同时,中国政府在国内和国际扫雷方面作出了积极努力。
- Isamu Miyazaki, Consultant of the Council, Ex-Director of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency. 日方人员有:顾问、原日本经济企划厅长官宫崎勇等。
- Apart from providing the two countries with demining equipment, China has sent a group of mine clearance experts to Eritrea to give on-the-spot guidance. 除向两国提供扫雷器材外,中国还向厄立特里亚派出了专家小组,现场指导扫雷。
- In addition, the Chinese government has made strenuous efforts in mine clearance, both domestically and internationally. 同时,中国政府在国内和国际扫雷方面作出了积极努力。
- I also propose that the donation to World Food Plan Agency double in next five years. 倡议各捐助国在未来五年内将其向世界粮食计划署捐款增加一倍。
- A good VC game development files inside have box, Gobang, mine clearance and other games! 一个很好的VC游戏开发档案,里边有方块,五子棋,扫雷等游戏!
- Kroeber said one significant change in the restructuring plan is that the central planning agency would no longer have final approval on major construction projects. 葛艺豪指出重组计划的一个重大变革在于中央计划机构不再拥有重大建设项目的最终批准权。
- In 1998,the Chinese government donated US$ 100,000 to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for mine clearance operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 1998年,中国向联合国扫雷自愿信托基金捐款10万美元用于波黑扫雷。
- In 1998, the Chinese government donated US$100,000 to the UN Voluntary Trust Fund for mine clearance operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina. 1998年,中国向联合国扫雷自愿信托基金捐款10万美元用于波黑扫雷。
- You will become a member of the IMCT (International Mine Clearance Team), which belongs to the NATO and is in charge of mine clearance in areas at war. 您将成为IMCT(国际地雷清理组织)的一员,这是一个隶属于北大西洋公约组织的下属机构,负责战区的地雷清理工作。
- A Dutch national, Mr. van der Linden, served as junior professional officer to the United Nations Development Programme in Manila (1977-1978) and staff member of the regional planning agency of the Dutch Government (1972-1976). 范德林登先生是荷兰人,曾经担任联合国马尼拉开发计划的初级专业官员(1977-1978年)以及荷兰政府的地区规划局职员(1972-1976年)。
- In 2002, it contributed more than US$ 3 million for in-ternational mine clearance cooperation, mainly in aid to the demining operations in Eritrea and Lebanon. 2002年,中国用于国际扫雷合作的资金达300多万美元,主要用于向厄立特里亚和黎巴嫩两国提供扫雷援助。
- Dutch national, Mr. van der Linden, served as junior professional officer to the United Nations Development Programme in Manila (1977-1978) and staff member of the regional planning agency of the Dutch Government (1972-1976). 范德林登先生是荷兰人,曾经担任联合国马尼拉开发计划的初级专业官员(1977-1978年)以及荷兰政府的地区规划局职员(1972-1976年)。
- The UN not only performs mine clearance, but also trains deminers, conducts mine surveys, carries out mine-awareness education, and supports demining schools. 联合国不仅从事排雷工作,而且还培训排雷人员,勘察雷区,展开防雷教育,并资助排雷学校。
- Owners of pre-sale contract, although a small one page, but the page annotated "This plan is a planning stage programme, and ultimately to Jingan Planning Agency document is approved. 业主们的预售合同中,虽附有小区平面示意图,但示意图注明“本规划图属规划阶段方案图,最终以静安规划土地局批准文件为准”。
- Apart from providing the two countries with demining equipment,China has sent a group of mine clearance experts to Eritrea to give on-the-spot guidance. 除向两国提供扫雷器材外,中国还向厄立特里亚派出了专家小组,现场指导扫雷。
- As the SRB is an arm of China's communist-era state planning agency, its presence also raises questions of whether its underlying motive in markets is to keep commodity prices low. 当全球铜价上周创出新高时,市场人士称,这是由一个交易员的行为造成的。