- Minamotono Takakuni 源隆国(1044-77),日本人,平安朝后期的重臣、歌人。
- The results were quite startling -- a 77% increase in six month. 结果非常令人吃惊--六个月增长百分之七十七。
- The ticket fare of the train for pairs is 77 Franc. 去巴黎的火车票售价是77法郎。
- Lot 77 is a fine Da Vinci painting. 77号拍品是一幅出自达·芬奇之手的精美油画。
- The car is parked over there,in spot No. 77. 车子停在那边的77号停车位。
- As Chairman of the Group of 77 and China. 作为77国集团主席并代表中国。
- The car is parked over there, in spot No. 77. 车子停在那边的77号停车位。
- Only 77 workers at Los Alamos, N. 只有77个工人在洛萨拉摩斯的;N.
- Zibo points to 63 over 77 games against opponents. 淄博站的比赛以63比77负于对手。
- A total of 77 schools and 1200 students joined the four schemes. 这4项计划均为学生而设,共有77间学校参与,参加人数共1200人。
- They say it is killed by cooking meat to 77 degrees Celsius. 他们表示,只有将肉煮到摄氏77度,旋毛虫才能被杀死。
- Florence Sephton is 77 and lives in Deganwy, North Wales. 弗洛伦斯 - 塞福顿,77岁,家住北威尔士的迪根维。
- The track density is 48 tpi and the number of tracks is 77. 磁道密度是48道/英寸,磁道数是77。
- On a global scale, 77% of energy is created from fossil fuels. 在全球范围内,77%25 的能量产生自矿物燃料。
- All 77 novels and story collections she wrote are still in print. 她写的77部小说与故事集仍然还都在出版。
- Hence a cmputer program 2DFEOF, in FORTRAN 77, has been developed. 为此用FORTRAN77语言编制了计算机程序2DFEOF。
- Fifty out of 153 patients with LN(32.7%) had 77 infection episodes. 15 3例LN患者中 5 0例 (32 .;7%25 ) 77人次出现感染并发症。
- See generally Rubin, Due Process and the Administrative State, 72 Cal. L.ReV. 1044 (1984). 载于《加州法律评论》第72期,第1044页(1984)]。
- Wharton now has 77,000 alumni in 139 countries around the world. 华顿商学院目前有7万7千名校友,分布在世界各地139个国家。
- About 77 per cent said they would not employ hepatitis B carriers. 的被访企业表示不接受乙肝病毒携带者。