- Military Liaison Group 军事联络团(组)
- The Customer Liaison Group takes a close look at our System Control Centre. 客户联络小组成员参观港灯系统控制中心,了解运作情况。
- He served in the National Security Council and was a military liaison with the CIA. 他曾在国家安全委员会任职,并且是军队与CIA的联系人。
- The Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group was set up in 1990 to facilitate exchanges on environmental issues of mutual concern. 一九九零年成立的粤港环境保护联络小组,有助两地就双方关注的环境问题交流意见。
- To kickoff the scheme, boy scouts, girl guides and members of the department's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。
- Responsible for the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group, Land Commission and other matters relating to the transition. 负责中英联合联络小组、土地委员会及其他与过渡有关的事宜。
- To kickoff the scheme,boy scouts,girl guides and members of the department's Public Liaison Group were trained as Fire Safety Ambassadors. 计划的第一步,是将男、女童军和消防处的公众联络小组成员训练成为消防安全大使。
- The Public Liaison Group was set up to encourage public participation in monitoring and improving the delivery of emergency fire and ambulance services. 消防处成立公众联络小组,目的是鼓励市民参与监察并改善消防处提供的紧急消防服务。
- The two sides established a working group on human smuggling under the framework of the U.S.-China Joint Liaison Group on law enforcement cooperation. 中美双方现在已经在中美联合联络小组的框架下建立了一个工作组专门对付偷渡问题。
- The Liaison Group will reconvene in January 1998, its first meeting since the Handover, to look at environmental matters in the Pearl River Delta Region, particularly the air and water pollution problems. 联络小组会在一九九八年一月召开会议,这是回归后首次举行会议,会议研究珠江三角洲的环境问题,特别是空气和水污染的问题。
- Philippine Military Liaison Officer 菲律宾军事联络官
- An active customer liaison group, with 33 members, enabled direct public participation in advising the Transport Department of customer' requirements and in gauging public opinion on services provided. 此外,该署设有顾客联络小组,有成员33名,供巿民直接向运输署提出要求,并让该署听取公众对他们所提供服务的意见。
- United States Military Liaison Mission 美国军事联络团
- United States Military Liaison Office 美国军事联络处
- An active customer liaison group,with 33 members,enabled direct public participation in advising the Transport Department of customer'requirements and in gauging public opinion on services provided. 此外,该署设有顾客联络小组,有成员33名,供巿民直接向运输署提出要求,并让该署听取公众对他们所提供服务的意见。
- The Liaison Group will reconvene in January 1998,its first meeting since the Handover,to look at environmental matters in the Pearl River Delta Region,particularly the air and water pollution problems. 联络小组会在一九九八年一月召开会议,这是回归后首次举行会议,会议研究珠江三角洲的环境问题,特别是空气和水污染的问题。
- It also formed Operational Liaison Groups to forge closer links with all disciplined services and government departments. 该处又成立多个联络小组,与各纪律部队及政府部门保持更加紧密的联系。
- According to the announcement, in the national referendum by the Bosnia-Herzegovina's Serbs on August 27th and 28th, more than 90% of the people voted against the Bosnia-Herzegovina territorial partition plan put forth by the International Liaison Group. 据宣布,在波黑塞族8月27日和28日举行的全民公决中,百分之九十以上的人投票反对国际联络小组提出的波黑版图划分方案。
- Joint efforts through the Hong Kong Guangdong Cooperation Joint Conference and the Hong Kong Guangdong Environmental Protection Liaison Group have achieved significant progress in protecting the environment. 双方透过粤港合作联席会议和粤港环境保护联络小组,协力合作,在环保工作上取得了重大进展。
- Responsible for coordinating Sino-British Joint Liaison Group discussions and all ceremonial, protocol, media, programming and logistical arrangements relating to the transition events. 负责统筹中英联合联络小组的讨论,以及所有与交接事务有关的仪式、礼宾、传媒、程序和后勤安排。