- Military Area Services 军事地区业务处
- Military area of importance. No admittance! 军事重地,禁止进入。
- A military area away from headquarters. 远离总部的军事基地
- British waters were a "military area". 英国领海是“军事区”。
- The annual regular exercises organized by the military area commands and services and arms all concentrate on joint operations. 各军区、军兵种组织的年度例行性演习均把联合作战作为重要课题。
- The CMC, through these four general headquar-ters/departments, directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央军事委员会通过四总部对各军区、各军兵种实施领导指挥。
- The CMC,through these four general headquar-ters/departments,directs and commands all the military area commands and the services and arms. 中央军事委员会通过四总部对各军区、各军兵种实施领导指挥。
- Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments,the services and arms and the military area commands. 它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。
- I'm just saying, isn't this more of a military area? 我只是想说,这不是军方的事吗?
- Jinxing Hotel of Shenyang Military Area Command P.L.A. 沈阳金星宾馆。
- The various general departments,services and arms and military area commands have drawn up 1,000-some items of military rules and regulations. 各总部、各军兵种、各军区制定了1000多件军事规章。
- Its basic organizational structures can be categorized into the general headquarters/departments, the services and arms and the military area commands. 它的组织体制,按基本组织结构分为总部体制、军兵种体制、军区体制。
- The various general departments, services and arms and military area commands have drawn up 1,000-some items of military rules and regulations. 各总部、各军兵种、各军区制定了1000多件军事规章。
- The Tibet Military Area Command carefully prepared for the occasion. 西藏军区方面为此作了认真周到的接待准备工作。
- Reapportionment and merger reduced the number of military area commands from eleven to seven. 大军区由11个撤并为7个。
- The PLA general headquarters/departments,the services and arms and the military area commands have formulated over 300 items of military rules,further advancing the course of governing the armed forces according to law. 各总部、各军兵种、各军区制定了300多件军事规章,推进了依法治军的进程。
- Other Residential Area and Non-Commercial Area service charge could be negotiated. 地区众多,不能尽录。住宅及非工商业区收费另议。
- The general headquarters/departments,services and arms,and military area commands may,within their respective authorities,formulate military regulations in accordance with the law and the military statutes,decisions and orders of the CMC. 各总部、军兵种、军区,可以根据法律和中央军委的军事法规、决定、命令,在其权限范围内,制定军事规章。
- By dismantling and merging subdivisions in the PLA general headquarters/departments,military area commands and services and arms,both the subordinate sections of the specialized organs and personnel were reduced by about 20%. 总部和军区、军兵种机关撤并了部分业务部门,业务部门下属的局(处)和编制员额均减少了20%25左右。