- Mikhail Nestruev 内斯特鲁耶夫
- Mikhail: You killed Ratka! You bastard! 米克黑尔:你杀了瑞特卡!你这个混蛋!
- Astapov Mikhail Boyarsky Borislav Brondukov M. 主要演员:Oleg Anofriyev N.
- In 1988 Mikhail Gorbachev cited high cost and withdrew his troops. 在1988年,米卡黑尔·戈尔巴乔夫以代价太高为由,将他的部队撤出。
- Mikhail: It's not important, boring story not worth talking about. 米克黑尔:这不重要,令人厌烦的故事不值得讨论。
- Mikhail: Don't try to justify your thievery with excuses! 米克黑尔:不要为你的偷窃行为狡辩了!
- I see no need to honor a pact with an evil beast, Mikhail. 我认为没有必要跟一个邪恶怪兽讲信用,米克黑尔。
- I'll assess a fine. How much did you pay for the Ogre, Mikhail? 我会估计出这个赔款数额的。你花在那个食人魔身上多少钱,米克黑尔?
- Talley, James Arthur Deblsio, Mikhail Braunshteyn, Robert E. Inventor(s) Name 发明人 Mikhail Braunshteyn; Robert E.
- Mikhail: This brute just killed Ratka, trying to cheat him out of a bet! 米克黑尔:这个畜牲杀了瑞特卡,因为他打赌赌输了想赖账。
- In Moscow the university learns law major when the Mikhail Gorbachev is young. 戈尔巴乔夫年轻时在莫斯科大学学法学专业.
- Mikhail: Well, as long as you're spending gold, you're welcome anytime! 米克黑尔:那么,只要你买东西,随时欢迎你!
- President Vladimir Putin congratulated Mikhail Gorbachev on his birthday. 普京总统向戈尔巴乔夫致生日贺词。
- The transaction has to be Concluded before Mikhail Khodorkovsky isout on bail. 一旦我确定你有同我合作的意向,我将会告诉你具体操作的细节。
- Mikhail: The name's Mikhail. While it's true that a Gnome is rare here, we're not unheard of. 米克黑尔:我的名字叫做米克黑尔。虽然侏儒在这里确实很稀奇,但是我们并不感到大惊小怪。
- Mikhail: He lies! Randolph the drunk almost killed a man just a fortnight ago over losing a bet, and now he hangs! 米克黑尔:他撒谎!醉鬼伦道夫两星期前因为打赌赌输了差点杀了个人,现在他被绞死了!
- Mike Wallace: Mr. Chairman,what do you make of Mikhail Gorbachev's recent speech in Vladivostok? 迈克·华莱士:邓主任,您对戈尔巴乔夫最近在海参崴的讲话有何看法?
- Mike Wallace: Mr. Chairman, what do you make of Mikhail Gorbachev's recent speech in Vladivostok? 迈克·华莱士:邓主任,您对戈尔巴乔夫最近在海参崴的讲话有何看法?
- Chromatography: Method first described in 1903 by Mikhail S. Tsvet for separating mixed chemical substances. 色层分析法:又译色谱法。利用不同化学物质在气流或液流中被固定物质吸附的速率不同而将它们分离的方法,1903年首度由俄国植物学家茨维特提出,他用于分离有色的化合物(由此得名)。
- Here lie the graves of great writers such as Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Vladimir Mayakovsky and Mikhail Bulgakov. 尼古拉?果戈里、安东?契诃夫、弗拉基米尔?马雅可夫斯基、米?布尔加科夫,这些伟大的作家都在此处安息。