- Mike Nichols David de Keyser 迈克·尼科尔斯
- Goring ....Esther Rachel David de... Yeshiva Student 剧情 故事...
- One classic __1__ was between the singing duo Simon &Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols. 二重唱和导演麦克?尼古斯的合作堪称经典。
- Victoria's churchgoing Governor, David de Krester, is among them. 维多利亚的、经常上教堂的总督DaviddeKrester是其中之一。
- One classic collaboration was between the singing duo Simon &Garfunkel and the filmmaker Mike Nichols. 二重唱S &G和电影制作人M的合作是一个经典的合作。
- Hoffman became famous when he got a role as a college student seduced by his girlfriend's mother (Anne Bancroft) in the classic Mike Nichols film, "The Graduate" (1967). 在麦克尼克斯的电影“毕业生(1967)”中霍夫曼扮演一名受女友母亲诱惑的大学生,由此他一举成名。
- Mike and David hate to mow the lawn. 麦克和大卫都非常讨厌修剪草坪。
- The shy men may be the very brethren of David. 那些羞怯男人大概就是大卫的教友们。
- I don't budge till I get the word from Mike. 迈克不叫我走,我怎么也不会走。
- Mike read five books in as many (=in five) months. 麦克在五个月内看了五本书。
- David did not have a book to his name. 大卫没有一本属于他自己的书。
- David gave the door a kick and it flew open. 大卫一脚向门踹去,那门猛地开了。
- Mike doesn't have a car, does he? 麦克没有车,是吗?
- David won't go to the movies with Helen next week. 大卫下星期不和海伦一起去看电影。
- Mike's wife have a big sweet tooth. 迈克的妻子非常喜欢吃甜食。
- I envy Mike, whose car is fancy. 真羡慕麦克,他的车子真漂亮。
- David's house is quite close to the Global Theater. 大卫的家离环球剧院很近。
- David is famous for his billiards technic. 大卫因他的台球技术而出名。
- A native or inhabitant of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 巴西里约热内卢人或里约热内卢的居民
- David Jones rose to reply for the guests. 大卫琼斯站起来代表来宾致答辞。