- Might hold in your hand 我一直都存在在你心中
- The Poem You Hold in Your Hands. 你手中紧握的诗。
- Sometimes people want to have something to touch,a letter that you can really hold in your hand. 有时人们想要一些能触摸得到的东西,一封信你可以实实在在地拿在手中。
- Simone: Everybody always talks about the negatives of cigarettes, but look at the benefits. I mean you don't eat as much and you've got something to hold in your hand. 每个人都在谈论香烟的坏处,但是看看他们的优点,我是说,你们可以拿着东西在手里而且随便吃却啥也没吃下去。。。。
- Hold in finity in the palm of your hand. 用一只手去把握无限。
- Can you show me what you have in your hand? 你能把你手里的东西给我看看吗?
- A relationship is like sand held in your hand,so how do you deal with?hold lossely or tightly &possessively? 一个人本来就很快乐呀,但是分享快乐与别人是更大的快乐!
- You can compare the position of the gumball eyes on the actual popsicle to the position that they’re supposed to be in, according to the picture on the wrapper, which you can also hold in your hand. 即使吃完棒冰后剩下的是一颗枪形的口香糖,当你在嚼这个如岩石般坚硬的东西时,你还有一根粘粘的棒棒留在手里,证明你花钱买过一些实实在在的东西。
- Take a stone and hold it in your hand. 你拿起一块石头,把它握在手中。
- He told BBC News Online that up to 10 people could sit inside the geode - an object normally small enough to hold in your hands. 他告诉英国广播公司新闻在线一超过10个人能坐在这晶洞里-有的地方狭窄得只能够放进你的双手。
- How do you hold the moonbeam in your hand? 如何使月光在掌上停留?
- How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? 把所有的权取相反数,再用求最短路径的方法求。
- Magnus. Lucky man: you have all the trumps in your hand. 马格努斯:幸运的人,所有的王牌都在你手里。
- Company Profile: Now you hold in your hands the new and extended edition, on the topic“ plastic injection moulding”, EXTRUSION+ INJECTION MOULDING ASIA Edition in2005. 公司简介:新的、加注塑内容的亚洲挤塑+注塑专刊2005终于与您见面了。
- Devices that you hold in your hand 你握在手中的设备
- Hold the CLOSED book in your hand, on your lap or on a table. 把关住的书握在手上,或者腿上或者在桌子上。
- I leave it in your hand whether to wait or not. 等不等由您决定。
- Hold the kickboard in your hands, and kick. 将浮板抓在手上并踢水。
- We will destroy any personal data we may hold in accordance with our internal retention policy. 我们将会根据内部的保存政策,销毁所持有的个人资料。
- Please have your boarding pass in your hand. 请将登机证拿在手上。