- Middle phalanx of index finger 食指中节指骨
- By using the thumb as a pointer, and marking off the distal phalanx, middle phalanx and proximal phalanx of each finger, we can count up to 12 on one hand, as shown below. 以大拇指为指针,并划分出每根手指的末端、中端和底端指骨,我们可以在一只手上一直数到12,如下图所示。
- MILAN - A.C.Milan announces that during the training session of today, goalkeeper Zeljko Kalac suffered a dislocation to the phalanx of the index finger in his right hand. 米兰-米兰官方宣布门将卡拉奇在今天的训练中右手食指错位。
- Ferrules of index finger, middle finger and fourth finger and little finger are connected to the backplate on the cardinal shelf through elastic strings. 食指套圈、中指套圈、无名指套圈和小指套圈分别通过弹力带连接在主架的掌背护板上;
- Of them, transfer of index finger dorsal island flap was performed in 2 cases, transfer of middle finger ulnar island flap and index finger dorsal island flap in one case, transfer of double island flaps from middle finger and ring finger in one case. 其中示指背侧岛状皮瓣转移修复拇指损伤2例,中指尺侧岛状皮瓣加示指背侧岛状皮瓣转移修复拇指脱套伤1例,中环指双岛状皮瓣转移修复拇指撕脱离断伤1例,中指尺侧岛状皮瓣转移修复拇指损伤4例。
- The thumb ferrule is set outside the ferrule of index finger on the backplate with steel wires. 拇指套圈通过钢丝安装在掌背护板的食指套圈外侧;
- The characteristics were as follows: The subcutaneous vein of the radial aspect of index finger was short with light color and straight shape. 查现代医学对小儿指纹的调查研究资料甚少,我们遵照毛主席关于“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高。”
- BMD of middle phalanges of the index, middle and ring fingers (MP2, MP3, MP4)in the non-dominant hand were measured by RA (Compumed, Inc, U. S. A. , OsteoGram-2000) . They were divided into 10-year groups of each for analysis. 用美国CompuMed公司OsteoGram-2000骨密度仪测定所有对象非优势手的第2、3、4指中节指骨(MP2、MP3、MP4)的BMD值,按10岁一个年龄组进行统计分析。
- What is called the "Finger dermatoglyphics in children" In traditonal Chinese medicine it means actually the cutaneous vein of the radial aspect of index finger. 小儿指纹系指小儿食指桡侧所显露的脉络,也即皮下浅表静脉。由于小儿腕短、寸关尺三部不分,且脉息难凭,古时就有人用察指纹之法以补切脉之不足。
- Middle phalanx of little finger 小指中指骨
- Methods 27 patients used abdominal random flap, cross finger flap, island flap from the dorsal of index finger, neurovascular island flap from the radialis of thumb and phalangeal pulp flap to repair. 方法对27例拇指指腹缺损约患者,分别采用腹部任意皮瓣、邻指皮瓣、示指背侧岛状皮瓣、拇指桡侧指动脉岛伏瓣及趾腹皮瓣等5种不同方法进行修复。
- At last, a phalanx of soldiers rescued us. 一支密集队形的军队终于前来搭救了我们。
- Methods 16 cases of degloving injuries of the distal segment of the thumb were repaired with advancing ventral skin flap of the thumb and a reversed dorsal skin flap of index finger. 方法对16例拇指末节脱套伤,选用拇指掌侧前移皮瓣、食指翻转皮瓣进行修复。
- Middle phalanx of middle finger 中指中指骨
- Middle phalanx of ring finger 环指中指骨
- radial artery, volar, of index finger 示指桡(掌)侧动脉
- The protesters ran into a solid phalanx of riot police. 抗议者冲进了紧密的防暴警察人墙。
- Superficial flexor tendon of index finger 食指浅屈肌腱
- Your middle phalanx are broken and I will splint it . 你的中指骨断了,我要把它用夹板固定好。
- superficial venule of index finger 指纹