- Microtus kirgisorumn. 天山田鼠
- The others, including little Cricetulus triton, Apodemus agrarius and Microtus fortis, distributed in few districts. 小仓鼠、黑线姬鼠和田鼠分布区域较少;
- Therefore, the need for timely players will use wood hammer Microtus filled channel. 因此,游戏者需要及时用木锤将田鼠刨出的通道填平。
- Objective To control Apodemus agrarius and Microtus brandti, the favorite baits fur them was screened. 摘要目的筛选适用于防治黑线姬鼠和布氏田鼠的配制毒饵和捕鼠诱饵。
- Any of various rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera,resembling rats or mice but having a shorter tail and limbs and a heavier body. 田鼠,仓鼠一种田鼠属和有关属的啮齿动物,象老鼠或耗子但有较短的尾巴和较重的身体。
- Any of various rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera, resembling rats or mice but having a shorter tail and limbs and a heavier body. 田鼠,仓鼠一种田鼠属和有关属的啮齿动物,象老鼠或耗子但有较短的尾巴和较重的身体
- This is caused by Robertsonian Translocation. We think the evolution tredency of karyotype of Microtus mandarinus may be robertsonian fission of No. 这是由罗伯逊易位引起的 ,本文并对此作了讨论 ,认为棕色田鼠的核型进化趋势以第一对常染色体发生罗伯逊断裂的可能性更大。
- It concludes that Y. pestis strains isolated from Microtus fucus and Microtus brandti are similar and belong to same origins on genetics. 结论青海田鼠型鼠疫耶尔森氏菌和布氏田鼠型鼠疫耶尔森氏菌具有相似性,在遗传学上属于同源。
- There were 5 kinds of animals infected, including not only Microtus fuscus but also herd-dog、Vulpescorsac、cat and Tibeta... 发现染疫动物5种,除青海田鼠外,还有牧犬、沙狐、家猫和藏系绵羊,染疫媒介5种。结论青海田鼠鼠疫呈连续流行态势。
- The two circles lead to the continuity on Microtus fortis calamorums' population amounts and series of complex disastrous behaviours. 另一方面支撑着湖泊水位的涨落交替循环,进而形成了东方田鼠被迫外迁和主动内迁的循环。
- The research on Microtus fortis as an experimental animal had been carried out for many years and made a series of progress. 东方田鼠在实验动物化方面的研究经过多年地努力,已取得了一系列进展。
- Preliminary studies on the reproduction and postnatal growth of Microtus fortis fortis were carried out under laboratory feeding conditions. 在实验室饲养条件下,对东方田鼠指名亚种繁殖特性和幼仔生长发育进行了初步观察。
- Zhang L., Fang J. & Sun R. 2000. Olfactory communication in Brandt's vole (Microtus brandti). The 9th Chemical Signs in Vertebrate. Krakow, Poland. 张立.;2001
- Zhang L., Fang J. &Sun R. 2000. Olfactory communication in Brandt's vole (Microtus brandti). The 9th Chemical Signs in Vertebrate. Krakow, Poland. 张立.;2001
- Vole, Any of various rodents of the genus Microtus and related genera, resembling rats or mice but having a shorter tail and limbs and a heavier body. 田鼠,仓鼠一种田鼠属和有关属的啮齿动物,象老鼠或耗子但有较短的尾巴和较重的身体.;我都没学过这个词;长知识了
- Pei Yan-Xin, Wang De-Hua and I.Hume. 2001 Selective digesta retention and coprophagy in Brandt's vole ( Microtus brandti ). Journal of Comparative Physiology B . 171: 457-46. 宋志刚、王德华。2002长爪沙鼠的代谢率与身体成分的关系。动物学报48:445-451。
- Method Animal experimental method was adopted to observe the reactions of ochotona curzoniae of different dosage groups to yersinia pestis of microtus fuscus. 方法采用动物实验的方法,观察不同剂量组高原鼠兔对青海田鼠型鼠疫菌的反应。
- Result The Ochotona Curzoniae had high resistance and low sensitivity to yersinia pestis of microtus fuscus, and it belonged to type of lower susceptibility. 结果高原鼠兔对青海田鼠型鼠疫菌具有高抵抗性和低敏感性,属低感受性类型。
- To study the relationship,and the gene types among Yersinia pestis strains of Microtus type from different areas Random amplified polymorphism DNA (RAPD) were used. 目的了解不同地区田鼠型鼠疫耶尔森氏菌(以下简称鼠疫菌)之间的亲缘关系和基因类型。方法随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术。