- The supply of Rayon based CF can not meet the demand of our country.From the standpoint of techno economics, the factors limiting the development of Rayon based CF were analyzed and summarized. 从技术经济角度分析其发展的制约因素,原丝质量制约其产品性能,投资比较大、成本较高,生产研究的投入不足制约其发展。
- An introduction to the internal and external technological process of ethylbenzene with dry gas is made, and their techno economic indexes are contrasted. 介绍了国内外干气制乙苯的工艺流程并对比了技术经济指标。
- Based on the experience gained over years,the author presents an in depth analysis in tabular form of the techno economic feasibility of this mining method,and the factors affecting its application. 文章的作者基于长期从事水力采煤的实践经验,以列表方式,从技术可行性和经济可采性方面进行了详细地综合分析,论述了影响采用井工水力采煤工艺的诸多因素。
- I have mastered the rudiments of economics. 我已精通经济学的基本原理。
- How fast does the new micro process the data? 这新微型计算机处理数据有多快?
- Economics is easy after you learn the lingo. 在学了专门术语后经济学就简单了。
- He is distinguished for his knowledge of economics. 他以经济学方面的精湛学识而著称於世。
- She is studying economics at college. 她在大学里读经济学。
- We put the sale statistics on to the office micro. 我们把销售统计数字输入办公室的微机电子计算机中。
- I'm making techno when I am proud! 得意之时我总作舞曲!
- New design methodology or techno. 新颖的设计思路或方法技巧。
- Techno Pipes Go Left THEN Right. 激活三个一组的绿色小球,相应的激光壁就会解除。
- Heavy rock, hardcore, techno,and hip hop beats. 重摇滚,硬核,工业,嘻哈。
- A trickier question is how to tame a techno kid. ?如何驯服对电视和电脑成癖的孩子则需要一些技巧。
- Ignite the magnesium ribbon using a micro burner. 用微型灯点着镁带。
- A2B electric bike induces green techno lust! a2b电动自行车,诱使绿色技术的欲望!
- The subject of Reaganomics is the supply-side economics. 雷根经济学的主题是供给面经济学。
- The economics of national growth are of great importance. 国民经济的增长情况具有极大的重要性。
- Simple Signal Source based Micro Controller. 单片机简易信号源。短句来源。