- Michail Ivanovich Glinka 格林卡
- Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev died on February 2 at the age of 73. 1907年2月2日,季米特里·伊万诺维奇·门捷列夫逝世,享年73岁。
- Wang Hao beat in the semi-finals Glinka, Boer was reversed in the semi-finals victory over Malone. 王皓在半决赛中击败格林卡,波尔则在半决赛中逆转击败马龙。
- We remember Marshal Vasily Ivanovich Chuikov, commander for defending Stalingrad. Soviet Hero. 我们铭记瓦西里-伊万诺维奇-崔可夫元帅。保卫斯大林格勒的指挥员。苏联英雄。
- As former director of computing at the MIT Media Lab, Michail Bletsas designed and deployed most of their Internet network infrastructure systems. 作为MIT媒体实验室的前任计算部主管,Michail Bletsas设计和部署了那里主要的互联网基础设施。
- Lapras C. Controversies, techniques and strategies for pineal tumor surgery. In: Surgery of the third ventricle. Michail LJ Apuzzo, ed. 李少华;赵仰胜;刘德焕;等.;右枕部经天幕入路切除松果体区肿瘤
- In the previous battle for the bronze medal, the young Marlon China to reverse 4:1 victory over Greece Glinka veteran, won the second runner-up. 在先前进行的铜牌争夺战中,中国小将马龙以4:1逆转击败希腊老将格林卡,夺得季军。
- In this early life his colleagues sometimes suspected Koba or Ivanovich of buying leniency for himself by handing over their names to the police. 在他早期的生活中,他的同志有时怀疑科巴或者伊凡诺维奇通过将这些名字移交给政府来换取对自己的宽大处理。
- In addition, Belgium's Sever, the former world table tennis champion Werner Schlager of Austria and Greece, such as Glinka these veterans may also be in the outbreak of the tremendous energy. 此外,比利时名将塞弗、前世乒赛冠军奥地利的施拉格和希腊的格林卡等这些老将也随时可能爆发巨大能量。
- After previous unsuccessful election campaigns in the Sverdlovsk region, the 32-year-old hopes to enlist a little magical help from the boy wizard by changing his name to Harry Ivanovich Potter. 经过数次在斯维尔德洛夫斯克地区的竞选中落败后,这名32岁的男子希望通过把名字改为哈里-伊万挪维奇-波特的方式来寻求小魔法师神奇魔力的帮助。
- Glinka Learning Western Europe's Music Gives Inspiration to the Development of Our National Music 格林卡学习西欧音乐对发展我国民族音乐的启示
- No other misfortunate can be compared with the loss of time .-----Nikolay Ivanovich turgener 任何一种不幸都无法与时间的失去相比。---N.;特珍纳
- Vocal Recital (Bass): Arie, Raphael - MUSSORGSKY, M.P. / GLINKA, M.I. / LISHIN, G. / GRECHANINOV, A.T. (Recital of Russian Songs) (1953 声乐独唱会(低音):雅莉;拉斐尔-穆索尔斯基;M.;P
- Opera Arias (Bass): Arie, Raphael - RIMSKY-KORSAKOV, N. / GLINKA, M.I. / TCHAIKOVSKY, P.I. / BORODIN, A. (Russian Operatic Arias) (1953 歌剧咏叹调(低音):雅莉;拉斐尔-里姆斯基-科萨科夫;N.;/格林卡;M
- We are young people, not deformities nor fools. We should strive for happiness for ourselves.-Nikolay Ivanovich Turgenve 我们是青年,不是愚昧的人,也不是畸人,应当将幸福给自己争过来。--屠格涅夫
- Michail Mouroutsos 米哈伊尔·穆鲁索斯
- Michail 米哈伊尔
- Yashin, Lev Ivanovich 亚申
- Abel, Rudolf (Ivanovich) 艾贝尔
- Glinka Ivanovich Glinka Mikhail 格林卡(1804-1857,俄国作曲家)