- The basement outcrops in South Qinling, Mianxian Lueyang Yangxian and north Dabashan areas are distributed in some sporadic and is. 依据陕南秦岭造山带区域地质及重力资料,按是否露出地表将前寒武纪基底划分为出露基底和隐伏基底两种类型。
- The Bayan Bold gold deposit is situated in the obduction zone of platform margin to the north of Inner Mongolian suture zone. 摘要白音宝力道金矿床位于内蒙古古缝合带北侧的陆缘逆冲带内。
- Huachanggou gold deposit locates in Guozhen Formation of Sanhekou Group of Devonian Mianxian-Lueyang suture zone. 铧厂沟金矿床位于勉略缝合带中泥盆系三河口群郭镇岩组中。
- Therefore, to research the overburden's destructive rules, especially the water suture zone's height i. 因此,研究覆岩破坏规律,特别是导水裂缝带的高度就显得极为重要。
- Tectonically, there exist the northern and southern branches of the Yarlung Zangbo suture zone in these Sheets. 构造方面,发现雅鲁藏布江结合带南北支在图区的存在;
- The southern branch of the Bangong-Nujiang suture zone is obliquely connected with the Shiquanhe zone in the north. 确认班-怒带的南支向北与狮泉河带斜接。
- The Hoh Xil-Lancangjiang-Bentong-Raub suture zone is interpreted as the boundary between southern Gondwana Land and northern Laurasia Land. 华南陆块以越北斋江结合带为界分为扬子和华夏两微陆块。
- The Wude suture zone locates between North China plate and the accretion zone in the northern edge of North China plate. 乌德缝合带位于华北地块和北缘增生带之间,显示早古生代属于典型的沟-弧-盆体系。
- Tectonically, the tectonic units consist of the Gezu-Xagquka suture zone and Sangxuang-Nagqu-Midika slab in the surveyed area. 构造方面,构造单元表现为各组-下秋卡结合带和桑雄那曲-麦地卡板片的构造格局;新发现达仁乡夺列蛇绿岩体。
- When mining under water, the height of the water suture zone in the goaf's overlying strata has direct effect on the safety of the production in mines. 为解决进行水下开采时,采空区上覆岩层导水裂缝带的发育高度直接影响煤矿安全生产问题。
- LI Cai, CHENG Li-ren, HU Ke,et al.Study of Longmucuo-Shuanghu paleotethys suture zone in Tibet [M].Beijing: Geological Publishing House, 1995: 90-91. [1]李才;程立人;胡克;等.;西藏龙木错-双湖古特提斯缝合带研究[M]
- A suit of mottled sandstone and conglomerate developed along the north of the Yarlung Zangbo River suture zone, which was named Giabulin Formation. 雅鲁藏布江缝合带北侧发育一套杂色砂砾岩系,被称为恰布林组。
- Based on the S wave velocity structures of different paths and former data, we infer that the subduction of the Indian Plate is delimited nearby the Yalung Zangbo suture zone. 根据不同路径的 S波速度结构和前人的资料 ,我们认为印度板块的俯冲可能以雅鲁藏布缝合带附近为界
- The development of the molasses deposits in the Jingzhushan Formation has provided a convincing orogenic evidence of the Bangong Lake-Nujiang suture zone. 竟柱山组磨拉石沉积的发育,是班公湖-怒江缝合带造山运动的证据。
- Much attention has long been drawn to the Rola Kangri Group Complex in northern Xizang for its tectonic setting in the southern part of the Lazhuglung-Jinshajiang suture zone. 摘要藏北的若拉岗日岩群,因处于拉竹龙-金沙江缝合带南缘,其成生背景及构造属性历来倍受关注。
- Influenced by the northern Lazhulong-Jinshajiang suture zone, Central uplift region and the southern Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone, facies belts extend east to the west. 根据研究区的生物特徵和沉积特徵,推断当时气候是温暖、半乾旱的。
- On the basis of geological,geochemical,geophysical studies,this paper suggests that this belt is likely to be a Neoproterozoic suture zone between the Yangtze plate and Cathaysian plate. 本文从地质、地球化学和地球物理上论证,认为该带可能是扬子板块和华夏板块在新元古代时的一条板块缝合带。
- The central East Kunlun tectonic Melange belt is a polycyclic composite collisional suture zone which was formed through the neoproterozoic,terminal Caledonian and late hercynian collisional events. 东昆仑中部构造混杂岩带是经历了新元古代、加里东末期和晚海西期3次碰撞事件而形成的多旋回复合的碰撞缝合带。
- Compare with radiolarite, the age of the ophiolite is late Jurassic-early Cretaceous.This age is later than Bangonghu-Nujiang suture zone and earlier than Yaluzangbujiang suture zone. 并结合放射虫硅质中的放射虫化石,确定该蛇绿岩带的形成时代为晚侏罗-早白垩世,从时间上要晚于班公湖-怒江缝合带而早于雅鲁藏布江缝合带。
- The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone. 挪威人生活在比较寒冷的地区。