- Meticulous figure paintings, guided by these theories and combined with the contemporary vogue, strode towards the summit of imagist realism while consummating its own techniques. 魏晋时期顾恺之的“传神”论和谢赫总结的“六法”为人物画的发展提供了理论前提。
- Teaching Research on Meticulous Figure Paintings 工笔人物画教学研究
- contemporary Chinese meticulous figure painting 当代工笔人物画
- Study of Color of Traditional Meticulous Figure Painting 传统工笔人物画色彩研究
- A Brief Talk on the Teaching of Meticulous Figure Painting 浅谈工笔人物画教学
- Meticulous figure paintings 工笔人物画
- On the Goddess of the Luo River, color on silk (572cm × 27.1cm), is a figure painting done with meticulous brushwork and close attention to detail. 顾恺之《洛神赋图》,绢本、设色,纵27.;1厘米,横572厘米,工笔重彩人物画。
- His figure paintings, meticulously executed, are bright in color, accurate in portrayal, and vivid in expression. 他的工笔人物造型准确,形神兼备,色彩明艳绚烂,
- He was good at landscape, flower and bird and figure paintings in both free sketches and fine brush work. 他山水、花鸟、人物皆精,工笔写意俱佳。
- In addition to our part of Flowers and Birds Painting, most landscape painting, figure painting Meticulous colors are flat. 我国除了一部分花鸟画外,大部分山水画、工笔人物画的色彩都是平面的。
- He was good at landscape, flower and bird and figure paintings in both free sketches and fine.brush work. 他山水、花鸟、人物皆精,工笔写意俱佳。
- Learning from Western paintings, Xu also incorporated his knowledge of human anatomy and modeling in his figure paintings. 徐悲鸿吸收西画中重视人体解剖、造型精确的特点,用于对中国画人物形象的刻画。
- Lili: Are you studying figure painting or landscape painting? 丽丽:你正在学习人物画还是风景画?
- This paper attempts to investigate how some late-Ming figure paintings represent women and their qualities and how these qualities of womanhood represent the culture of connoisseurship of that time. 本文主旨在于讨论晚明时期的人物画如何呈现女性,以及此种呈现涉及的女性性质、美感等议题的文化史脉络。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- We have landscape painting, figure painting and flower and-bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。
- We have landscape painting, figure painting and flower and bird painting. 我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。
- Therefore, he's landscape, figure painting patterns Zisi, informal Shengmo. 因此他的山水、人物画形态恣肆,不拘绳墨。
- From a distinctive angle, the figurative paintings solidly record this special period in history and are thought-provoking. 众生相系列从独特的角度真实地记录了那段特殊的历史,并启发人们思考。
- The paint is sold in powdered form. 该油漆以粉制品形式出售。