- Methylenum Caeruleum Methylene Blue
- methylenum coeruleum bromocresolis 溴亚甲蓝
- Keywords Delphinium caeruleum;Diterpenoid alkaloid;Caeruline; 蓝翠雀花;二萜生物碱;蓝翠雀宁;
- Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia through Peripheral Nerve Trunk Injection with Methylenum Coeruleum on 63 Cases 亚甲蓝外周神经干注射治疗原发性三叉神经痛63例
- Allium caeruleumn. 棱叶韭
- Delphinium caeruleumn. 蓝翠雀花
- methylenum coeruleum 亚甲蓝
- methylenum 亚甲蓝
- Lomatogonium caeruleumn. 喜马拉雅肋柱花
- caeruleum vitriolum 胆矾
- coeruleum methylenum [医] 亚甲蓝, 甲烯蓝, 美蓝
- trypanum caeruleum [医] 台盼蓝, 锥虫蓝
- aozvanum caeruleum 偶氮蓝(循环血液量测定药)
- vitriolum caeruleum [医] 胆矾
- Azovanum Caeruleum 偶氮蓝, 伊文氏蓝, 依文思蓝[诊断用药]