- Directory of Protestant Missions in China[M].American Methodist Episcopal Mission Press,1866.31. 顾长声.;传教士与近代中国[M]
- Methodist Episcopal Mission in Fujian and the Establishment of "Xinghuaba" in Sarawak 福建兴化美教会与砂捞越"兴化芭"的建立
- So did Queens congressman Floyd Flake, who was also the minister of Allen African Methodist Episcopal Church. 支持我的还有皇后区众议员弗洛伊德.;弗拉克,他也是艾伦非裔卫理公会主教派教堂的牧师。
- It has been called "the peculiar institution," "the social system," and the "impediment," as it was called by the General conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 它曾被叫作“特别制度”、“社会制度”和“障碍”,正如卫理圣公会的全体大会所称的那样。
- Being the first missionary hospital established by the America Methodist Episcopal Church in China, the Soochow Hospital exerted active promotion on the introduction of western medicine into Suzhou. 苏州博习医院系美国基督教监理公会在中国设立的第一所教会医院,该院对近代苏州西医的传入起到了积极的促进作用。
- African Methodist Episcopal Church 非洲人美以美会
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 非洲人美以美锡安会
- The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church 非洲卫理圣公锡安教会
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 基督卫理圣公会教派
- the Kiangsi Methodist Episcopal Church 江西美以美会
- Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church 非洲美以美会女传教士协会
- Women's Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church; 非洲美以美会女传教士协会;
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- Chinese Conversion to Methodist Episcopal Church in Early Periods--A Case Study of Xu Yang-mei in Fuzhou 美以美会早期华人教牧的皈依--以福州许扬美为个案的考察
- Missionary Work's Character and Influences of American Methodist Episcopal Church in Suzhou during Late Qing Period 晚清美国监理会在苏州传教活动的若干特点及影响
- Her mission was to reclaim former criminals. 她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。
- An official mission was sent to settle the dispute. 一个官方使团被派去解决争端。
- Of course, it was an unprecedented mission. 当然有,这可是一项空前的任务呢。
- The doctor works at the mission. 那医生在贫民教区工作。
- He is a devout disciple of the Episcopal Church. 他是英国圣公会的一名虔诚的信徒。