- When you set a property that changes the visual display of the control, you must invoke the Invalidate method to redraw the control. 在设置更改控件可视显示的属性时,必须调用Invalidate方法来重新绘制该控件。
- Method to redraw the control. 方法来重绘控件。
- Invalidates the specified area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control. 使显示在设计图面上的控件的指定区域无效,并向控件设计器发送重新绘制控件的信号。
- Invalidates the whole area of the control that is displayed on the design surface and signals the control designer to redraw the control. 使显示在设计图面上的控件的整个区域无效,并向控件设计器发送重新绘制控件的信号。
- How to redraw the animated objects in every frame? 怎样在每一帧中重绘物体?
- Method, which forces the control to redraw itself and all its children. 方法,此方法强制控件重新绘制其自身及其所有子级。
- Lastly how to redraw the highlight if adjust single control point by Taylor expansion approach is studied. 又对局部控制顶点调整的taylor展开法,在曲面的高光线生成中的应用进行了研究。
- Causes the associated control to redraw the invalidated regions within its client area. 导致关联的控件在其工作区内重新绘制无效区域。
- To redraw the pattern cleanly, type F5 or select View\Refresh. 刷新图案可以消除这些痕迹,刷新可以用F5或者选察看\\刷新。
- You may want to redraw the topology with all the details available. 您可能会想要重新拓扑与所有的详细资料。
- Method to force the visibility of the control to change. 方法,以强制更改控件的可见性。
- I have traded that method and it has some disadvantages: for example, you have to redraw the trendline when a new significant high/low appears in the chart. 我有买卖的那个方法,它有一些缺点:例如,你必须重划趋势线的时候,一个新的显着的高/低出现在图表上。
- Method to set the initial focus of the Web page to the control. 方法为控件设置网页的初始焦点。
- I used the scientific method to attain this end. 我用科学的方法来达到这一目的。
- Professor Fang worked out a method to destroy bacteria on the seeds. 方教授想出了一个办法来消灭种子上的细菌。
- Method to return the control to a previous page in the navigation history. 方法使控件返回到导航历史记录中的前一页。
- Truman, Churchill, and Stalin came to plan the peace and to redraw the map of Europe. 杜鲁门、邱吉尔和斯大林开始筹划和平并重新划分欧洲版图。
- Most of all, though, he will need to redraw the electoral map to overcome built-in advantages Republicans enjoy. 不过,最重要的还是,他将需要重新制定竞选路线图、克服共和党人享有的天生优势。
- The controllers counted down to blast-off. 控制器倒读数至发射时间。
- He's methodical to the nth degree. 他做事有条不紊算是到家了。