- Mentha crispata Schrad. 皱叶留兰香
- Labiatae Mentha crispata Schrad. ex Willd. 皱叶留兰香 Mentha Linn.
- Mentha crispatan. 皱叶留兰香
- Oudemansiella mucida (Schrad ex Fr. ) Fr. 粘下奥德蘑
- The seed of Kochia Scoparia(L.) Schrad. 地肤子
- Mentha arvensis L.var. haplocalyx Briq. 薄荷
- Mentha rotundifolia ( L. ) Huds. 鱼香草
- Oil of spearmint ({Mentha} {Spicata} {Linnaeus}). 标准/规范英文名: Essentail oils.
- Mentha crispate Schrad. 皱叶留兰香
- Mentha arvensis L.var.malinvaudi C.Y.Wu et H.W.Li, mss. 龙脑薄荷
- Study on Tissue Culture in Medicinal Herb Mentha Spicata L. 药用植物留兰香的组织培养研究。
- Mentha Oil also know as Cornmint oil and Mentha Shivalik. 薄荷油又被称为“Cornmint oil”或“Mentha Shivalik”。
- A preliminary study on species of genus Mentha cultivated in China. 国产薄荷属的栽培种类的初步研究.
- Experiment on Chemical Control of Lophodermium Pinastri(Schrad)Cher. 松落针病药剂防治试验
- Study on chemical constituents of essential oil from Mentha spicata L. 留兰香挥发油化学成分的研究。
- Results The results showed that the effects of 20% Mentha hapiocalyx Briq. 结果20%25的薄荷及20%25的石菖蒲粗提液对淡色库蚊雌蚊的驱避率分别为91.;5%25和86
- The inhibition of extracts of Mentha arvensis L. and Euphorbia helioswpia L. to Ustilaginoidea virens was observed. 摘要分别用薄荷和泽漆提取液对稻曲病菌进行离体抑菌活性研究。
- A plant, Mentha piperita, having small purple or white flowers and downy leaves that yield a pungent oil. 椒薄荷一种薄荷属植物,有紫或白色小花,带绒毛的叶子可制成辣油
- Direction: Massage Shampoo de Mentha into wet hair, lather and rinse thoroughly, Shake for use! 使用方式:使用前请先将冻脑精油配方洗发凝胶摇一摇,再取适量洗发凝胶按摩头皮及头发,3至5分钟后清洗乾净即可。
- Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Inhaled: good for easing stomach ailments. Ease headaches. On skin: Relives itching of sunburn. Use on greasy hair. 薄荷:吸入:有效治疗胃病。缓解头疼。用在皮肤:舒缓发痒、灼伤(晒斑)。用途在含脂毛。最好用在油性头发。