- There is a great prosperity of material wealth in modern society, whereas there is a vacuity of people's mental world. 现代社会,随着物质财富的丰盛,换来的却是精神资源的贫乏。
- However, due to complicated reasons, Islam has to share the mental world of the Afghan people with the pre - Islamic and non - Islamic beliefs. 然而,由于极为复杂的原因,伊斯兰教又不得不与一些前伊斯兰和非伊斯兰的信仰体系分享阿富汗人的精神世界。
- It is not only futile but very harmful to use crude methods in dealing with ideological questions among the people, with questions about man's mental world. 对待人民内部的思想问题,对待精神世界的问题,用简单的方法去处理,不但不会收效,而且非常有害。
- From his poems we can see that with the double cultural backgrounds of Han and Tibetan Minority ,Alai is expressing his feelings to peoples mental world in a poetic way. 在对他的诗歌阅读中,可以发现,阿来依托汉藏双重文化背景,对家园进行着诗意的表述。
- Human-nature morality appears at the need of human practice, exists in human"s mental world and external behaviours, and originates from the coordinated development. 人天道德产生于人类实践的需要,存在于人的内心世界和外在行为过程中,渊源于人天协调发展。
- Abstract: Human-nature morality appears at the need of human practice, exists in human"s mental world and external behaviours, and originates from the coordinated development. 文摘:人天道德产生于人类实践的需要,存在于人的内心世界和外在行为过程中,渊源于人天协调发展。
- All these years we have not figured out the mental world of our minds yet. But generally speaking, we are now able to distinguish senses and cognition from feelings. 很多年来,我们仍未弄清我们头脑中的精神世界,但是,总的来说,我们现在有能力区别意识和认知同普通感觉的差异。
- The study demonstrates that the choice of language and context (including physical world, social world and mental world) are correlatively adaptive and optimal relevance-targeted. 研究表明语言选择和语境(包括物质世界、社交世界和心理世界)的选择是相互顺应的,以取得最佳关联性为目的。
- In the modern society, material civilization is highly developed while there exists a crisis of mental world of human beings. Money worship and hedonism are prevailing, the view of value is collapsing, man becomes the slaver of material desire. 现代社会一方面物质文明高度发达,另一方面人的精神世界存在危机,拜金主义、享乐主义盛行,自我失范、价值观崩溃,人成了“物欲”的奴隶。
- "All about My Mother" is one of Al Moredowa s women s series that lovingly depicts the women s sensitive mental world, displaying successfully the affection and tolerance of womanhood. 它以一种理解和关怀的姿态,细腻温情地刻画了女性敏感的精神世界,成功地展示了女性的爱及爱的宽容。
- No one familiar with the laws governing in the mental world would think of attempting to dominate the will of another, for by so doing, he will gradually (but surely) divest himself of his own power. 任何一个了解精神法则的人,都不会愚蠢到想要控制他人的意志,因为如果这样做,施术者将逐渐地(但却必然地)丧失他自己的力量。
- Humans build their own comfortable domiciles in both the physical and mental worlds. 看似舒适的家不仅困住了普通人的身体,也困住了他们的灵魂。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Look into Dufu's Mental World from his Catering 从饮食看杜甫的精神世界
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- He wasn't rid of the mental burden. 他摆脱不了精神负担。
- He's suffering from severe mental disorder. 他患有严重的精神病。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。