- A physical or mental disability. 身心的缺陷体力或智力上的无能
- He has spent all his life working with mentally disabled people. 他毕生为精神障碍者工作。
- How do the deaf-mutes and the mentally disabled dream? 聋哑人和弱智者怎样做梦?
- Handicapped suffering from a serious physical or mental disability. 有生理缺陷的;弱智的;残疾的。
- How do you feel about people with mental disabilities? 你是怎样看待有智障的人?
- These nouns denote conditions of serious mental disability. 这些名词表示严重精神失常的状况。
- Ignorance and fear of mentally disabled people is still a global reality. 对智障人群的忽视和恐惧仍然是一个全球性的现象。
- She is majoring in Education for Physically and Mentally Disabled Children. 专业是有障碍儿童的教育。
- By the end of 1995, China has set up 1329 special-education schools for blind, deaf and mentally disabled children. 到1995年底,中国已经建立了1329所为盲、聋和弱智儿童开办的特教学校。
- The patient is in a coma and on a tight-rope between complete recovery and severe mental disability. 病人处在昏迷中,完全康复和严重丧失智力都有可能。
- Looking at this guy I can tell that he's retarded. BBC really is great, they provide equal opportunity for mentally disabled people. 这个记者一看就是个脑残低能儿。这说明BBC还是很崇高的,他们为智障人士提供了平等的就业机会。
- Use of public institutions for the care of people who are physically or mentally disabled, criminally delinquent, or incapable of independent living. 公共救济的制度化,利用公共机构照顾身体或智力不健全、犯罪或无法独立生活的人。
- When someone leaves drawings recreating an accident that killed a mentally disabled teen, it points the finger at the incident being murder. 当有人留下几张图画重现了一个弱智少年之死;那指着的手指分明是在讲述这是一次谋杀而非意外.
- Of or over the age of 18 and was, by reason of physical or mental disability, incapacitated for work. 年满18岁,但因身体上或精神上的无能力而不能工作。
- He died just weeks after his sister, Eunice Kennedy Shriver, who founded the Special Olympics and was a leading advocate for the mentally disabled. 帕特里克周三表示支持这一建议,称如果这一建议得到州议会同意,他会签署使其生效。他表示委任临时议员“绝对合理”。
- Was by reason of physical and mental disability, incapacitated for work if he she was aged 18 or above. 如年满18岁,须因为他身体上或精神上的无能力而不能工作。
- The doctors and psychiatrists there concluded that he was mentally disabled and would never be able to finish high school. 那家医院的医生和精神病医生诊断定的结论是,他患有精神缺陷,绝对无法上完中学。
- Your brother, if over 25 years of age, was by reason of physical and mental disability, incapacitated for work. 如该兄弟或姊妹已年满25岁,你供养他是因为他身体上或精神上的无能力而不能工作。
- Autism is called zi bi zheng and considered of a tpye of mental disability in China. 孤独症在中国被称为自闭症,并被普遍认为是一种精神残疾。
- A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics,nine contestants,all physically or mentally disabled,assembled at the starting line for the 100?yard dash. 几年前在西雅图残疾人奥运会上,九名参赛者,全部是身体或智力方面有缺陷的孩子,排列在100米速跑的起跑线上。