- Menopausal menorrhagia 绝经期月经过多
- Anaemia due to menorrhagia in 1 case (3 3%). 月经失血性贫血 1例 ,占 3 3%25 ;
- The main risk factors were menorrhagia and nutritional deficiency. 主要的危险因素月经期妇女为月经过多,青少年为营养因素。
- For post menopausal women, take 3 teaspoonfuls daily, after a meal. 绝经妇女,餐后服用3茶匙,一天一次。
- Menopausal women should seek hormone replacement therapy. 更年期的妇女应尝试荷尔蒙补充疗法。
- Seated, I announced, “The Menopausal Woman’s Thanksgiving Prayer. 入座后,我宣布道:“更年期妇女的感恩祷告。”
- Internal use: for coughs due to heat in the lungs, menorrhagia, leukorrhea. 肺热咳嗽,月经过多,白带;
- The females who were <40 years old were mainly associated with menorrhagia. 63%25,<40岁的女性患者主要与月经过多有关。
- Beat the clock Menopausal women should seek hormone replacement therapy. 调 整 生 物 钟 更 年 期 的 妇 女 应 尝 试 荷 尔 蒙 补 充 疗 法 。
- Conclus ion Marvelon has remarkable curative effects on menopausal transi... 结论妈富隆用于绝经过渡期功血有显著疗效。
- It may be a good idea to treat your menopausal symptoms with hormone replacement therapy and a proper diet. 荷尔蒙补充疗法加上合理饮食,是改善更年期症状的好方法。
- The criteria for repeat UAE included symptomatic iable fibroid tumors, persistent pelic pain, and menorrhagia. 确证子宫动脉栓塞包括一些纤维瘤的系统变量,如持久性骨盆痛和月经过多。
- Objective To explore the curative effect of Fuling granules in treatment of IUD-induced menorrhagia. 目的探讨妇宁颗粒治疗宫环出血的有效性。
- Menopausal women who still hae a uterus take a combination of estrogen and progestin. 仍有子宫的更年期女性应同时服用雌激素和孕酮。
- Those with the worst blood loss before treatment had the greatest reduction in menorrhagia. 在治疗前月经血流量最多的患者,其月经过多的缓解程度最大。
- MEA is an effective, minimally invasive procedure for the safe treatment of menorrhagia in a wide range of patients. MEA是一项用于治疗大范围的月经过多患者的安全有效且创伤极小的手术操作。
- Objective; To observe the curative effect of the radio - frequency endometrial ablation(RFEA) to treat menorrhagia. 目的:探讨射频子宫内膜消融治疗月经过多的临床疗效。
- Medic," When I Was Young"(10/24/55). A menopausal woman thinks her life is over. 实习医生》之〈我年轻时〉1955年10月24日)一位更年期妇女认为她的生命行将结束。
- Women in menopausal disorders are subject to frequent transtions from high spirits to depression and anger. 具有更年期综合症的女人常常是喜怒无常。
- Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia. 月经于13岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。