- Memory in Tao Cottage 陶庵梦忆
- The memory in later times returned to haunt him. 那回忆后来经常浮现在他脑海。
- Says Chuang Tzu: Be in Tao, authentically in it, sincerely in it. 庄子说:要在道里面,真实地在它里面,虔诚地在它里面。
- One in “Tao engenders one” means the world in gas state. “道生一”的“一”,是谓“气态物质世界”。
- I racked my memory in vain for its counterpart in literature: perhaps you could think of one. 我绞尽脑汁也想不出它在文学中的对等物,也许你可以想出一个。
- I just wanted to put a nice memory in your head. 我只是想勾起你的美好回忆。
- What is the role of memory in information processing? 记忆在信息处理中起着什么样的作用?
- You should treasure it up in your memory in your whole life. 这事你一生应铭记在心。
- She had, of course, no faculty for quenching memory in dissipation. 她当然也没有以放荡纵欲来冲淡记忆的能耐。
- We’ll discuss the topic of memory in detail later in this chapter. 我们将在这一章的后半部分详细讨论软件记忆这个问题。
- The loss of memory in amnesia can cause us to lose ourselves. 失忆症中的记忆丧失足以使我们失去自我。
- Can't use VAR to allocate memory in a structure definition. 结构定义中不可使用伪指令VAR来分配存储单元。
- WBC, BMC and erythroid cell increased significantly in TAO treated mice. TAO处理组小鼠的白细胞(WBC)、BMC和增殖性红细胞百分比有显著升高。
- System Extension of Mass Data Memory in Chip Microcomputer System. 单片机系统中大容量数据存储器的系统扩展。
- Without PAE, AWE cannot reserve memory in excess of 4 GB. 没有PAE,AWE就无法保留超出4 GB的内存。
- Free up the memory in use by closing any nonessential applications. 关闭所有不重要的应用程序,释放正在使用的内存。
- Set memory breakpoint on read. Size is size of memory in bytes. 设置内存访问断点。
- They'd dedicated the War Memorial in the Square. 他们已经在广场上建立了南北战争纪念碑。
- Natural images abound in large numbers in Tao Yuanming's poems, in which" clouds" appear frequently. 陶渊明诗文中有很多自然意象,其中“云”出现的频率很高。
- On Text Teaching and Memory in Listening Comprehension. 听力的语篇教学与理解记忆。