- Monday is Memorial Day in the United States. 星期一是美国的阵亡将士纪念日。
- The Memorial Day holiday started in 1868. 阵亡将士纪念日(Memorial day)始于1868年,
- How about Labor Day and Memorial Day? 劳动节和阵亡将士纪念日呢?
- Six Memorial Day Speeches By George W. Bush. 布什的六次阵亡纪念日演讲。真讽刺。
- We honour our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day . 每年,在纪念日这一天,我们都纪念为国家牺牲的士兵们。
- We honor our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在纪念日这一天,我们都纪念为国家牺牲的士兵们。
- Two that I can think of are Memorial Day and Labor Day. 我所记得的还有阵亡将士纪念日和劳动节。
- We honour our country's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在纪念日这一天,我们都纪念为国家牺牲的士兵们。
- We honour our country 's dead soldiers every year on Memorial Day. 每年,在纪念日这一天,我们都纪念为国家牺牲的士兵们。
- Memorial Day honors those who died in military service. 在纪念日中悼念哪些在服兵役中死去的人们。
- There will be no school on the Memorial Day weekend (May 24). 五月二十四日是长周末?按照惯例将没有中文学校。
- Several different stories circulate about the origin of Memorial Day. 关于阵亡将士纪念日的起源众说纷纭。
- The results were released in the middle of a sunny Memorial Day weekend. 极少的欧洲人阅读过欧洲宪法,更不用说美国人。
- Americans are paying tribute to fallen troops in Memorial Day observances. 美国人民在国殇日仪式上悼念为国捐躯的爱国志士。
- Taps is also played at military burial grounds during Memorial Day ceremonies. 在阵亡烈士纪念日仪式中军号也会在军事墓地演奏。
- The Spirit of Vincennes Rendezvous is a Revolutionary War battle re-enactment held annually on Memorial Day weekend. 温森斯会合纪念日会于每年国殇日那个周末举办,它会重新上演独立战争此一戏码。
- A Union General, John Murray liked the idea and helped establish a committee, and hence the birth of Memorial Day. 联军将军约翰莫雷看好这个观点并协助组织了委员会,于是阵亡将士纪念日诞生了。
- On Memorial Day,we honor the men in our armed forces who made the supreme sacrifice for their country. 阵亡将士纪念日这天,我们悼念军队中为国捐躯的将士们。
- Good. Memorial Day is celebrated on the thirtieth of May in honor of dead Americans who served in the armed forces. 对。阵亡将士纪念日在5月30日那一天,以纪念战死的美国军人。
- Memorial Day ceremonies also are being held at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington. 阵亡将士纪念日仪式也在华盛顿的越战老兵纪念碑前举行。