- Melbourne Enterprises Limited 万邦投资集团有限公司,简称万邦投资
- New World First Ferry Services Limited is jointly owned by Chow Tai Fook Enterprises Limited and NWS Holdings Limited. 新世界第一渡轮服务有限公司由周大福企业有限公司及新创建集团有限公司共同持有。
- Subsequently, HKWDC appointed Telewide Enterprises Limited to be the system developer and supplier of the SMS weather warning service for public. 其后,香港无线发展中心委任联讯企业有限公司为天气信息短讯服务的供应商,发展服务系统。
- Janton Enterprises Limited: Janton Enterprises Ltd. is specialized in manufacturing all kinds of rattan furniture, wrought iron, synthetic wicker furniture etc. 经营范围:电子,电工,电工电器成套设备,直流电源柜
- Cosmos Machinery Enterprises Limited 大同机械有限公司,简称大同机械
- Glorious Sun Enterprises Limited 旭日企业有限公司,简称旭日企业
- Even a limited confrontation can escalate into a major war. 即使是局部的对抗也可能扩大成一场大战。
- Inset: Melbourne across Port Phillip Bay. 插图:从菲利普湾港看墨尔本城。
- Only a limited number of places are available. 只有少数地方可供使用。
- The edition is limited to 500 copies. 该版限出500本。
- We have limited funds and several competing claims. 我们的基金有限而争相申请的却有几处。
- Energy balance guidance for coastal port enterpris. 沿海港口企业能量平衡导则。
- His intelligence is rather limited. 他的智力相当有限。
- Lord Melbourne replied with a very wise letter. 梅尔本爵爷回了一封极有见识的信。
- Only a limited number of places is available. 只有少数地方可供使用。
- She is going to Melbourne and will see him then. 她打算去墨尔本,然后在那儿见他。
- Our field of vision is limited by that tall building. 我们的视野受到了那座高层建筑物的限制。
- B David's from Melbourne, Australia. B 大卫从澳大利亚的墨尔本来。
- The amount of money we have is limited. 我们的钱数额有限。