- Medina quartzite 麦迪纳石英岩
- Jorge Medina : A player from Quilmes Buenos Aires. 来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的奎梅斯。
- The chaps are selling these at the entrance to the Medina. 小贩在梅迪纳的入口处出售这个玩儿。
- A fine - grained quartzite used to line refractory furnaces. 致密矽石一种纹理细密的石英岩,用于作耐温溶炉的衬里
- Mohammed died in Medina soon after this victory, in 632. 此次胜利后不久,穆罕默德于632年在麦地那去世。
- A fine-grained quartzite used to line refractory furnaces. 致密矽石一种纹理细密的石英岩,用于作耐温溶炉的衬里
- The high walls of rock are made of weather-resistant quartzite. 那高高的岩石墙壁是由对风化有抵抗的石英岩组成的。
- A single brigade of the "Medina" division was involved in combat. “麦地那”师的一个旅参加了战斗。
- The Turks sat in Medina “on the defensive, immobile. 土耳其人安坐在城中,“一动不动地防守”。
- Please contact me (Beatriz Medina) at the email address below. 请与我联系(比梅迪纳)以下电子邮件地址。
- The prize winner from Asian is Medina Marina Rikhvanova. 高曼奖北美地区获奖人是耶稣利昂桑托斯。
- Their brain is working harder than it should," Medina says. 这些青少年的大脑本应可以轻松完成,现在却非常困难。”
- The lithology of B petrofabric is schist interlated with marble, quartzite. B岩组的岩性主要是各种片岩夹有大理岩、英岩。
- Its typical quartzite topography features numerous natural spectacles. 典型的石英岩山体成就了独特旖旎的自然风光,清澈的溪流宁静的山谷。
- Hostilities followed between Mecca and Medina which ended at last in a treaty. 于是麦加与麦地那之间进入战争状态,最后只好以签订条约了结此事。
- The main commercial street that leads to the medina starts from here. 它是通向麦地那的主要商业街起点。
- The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite, schist, gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite and quartz. 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、岩、麻岩、武岩、山岩和流纹岩.
- The dyes used are often vegetable or mineral origin - and therefore natural - like poppy, saffron and quartzite. 染料大都来源于天然的植物和矿物,比如罂粟、藏红花和石英岩。
- The cardium sandstone is lithic, being composed of grains of chert, quartz, quartzite, silicified argillite, and other rock fragments. 卡迪砂岩是岩屑砂岩,由燧石,石英、石英岩、硅化泥板岩和其它岩石碎屑颗粒所组成。
- The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina in622, marking the beginning of the Moslem era. 回教纪元公元622年穆罕默德从麦加到麦地那的逃亡,标志着伊斯兰教纪元的开始