- With the reform of medicare payment system ,the tendency of hospital cost accounting will develop mote and more,include medical department cost,medical service item cost and DRGs cost,etc . 随着医疗保险支付制度的改革,医院成本核算将逐步向包括科室成本核算、医疗项目成本核算、病种成本核算等在内的成本核算体系发展。
- The price adjustment of medical service items relates to the alterations of many basic dictionaries in each special hospital information system and the process of adjustment is very complex. 医疗服务项目的价格调整涉及到医院各专项信息系统中许多基础字典的变动,调整过程十分复杂。
- Keywords medicare payment system;medical department cost;medical service item cost;DRGs cost; 医疗保险支付制度;科室成本;项目成本;病种成本;
- Service item development and adjustmentb. 服务项目的开发与调整。
- Medical service item 医疗服务项目
- North American International Medical Service Ltd. 北美国际医疗服务有限公司。
- Air Medical Service Industry Addresses Safety. 航空医学服务业谈安全。
- The worker get medical service free of charge. 工人们得到了免费医疗。
- He bowed out after 40 year of medical service. 他干了40年医务工作后退休了。
- Psychology hm have evenly hm get medical service? ? 心理唔平衡有唔得医啊??
- Does nerve fibroma have get medical service? ? ? 神经纤维瘤有得医吗???
- Press the function key, and you can choose the service item you want. 按功能键就可以选择你所需要的服务项目。
- The goods or services itemized in an invoice. 清单项目清单上逐条列出的货物或服务。
- The government is responsible for the provision of medical service. 政府负责提供医疗服务。
- To make a good item of cooperative medical service,special attentions must be payed to the following aspects such as prophase demonstr... 在开展对外医疗合作项目管理与核算方面,加强合作项目的前期论证、合同签订、收入与成本界定、财务核算以及日常核算等尤为重要。
- The state medical service has been very much under review recently. 最近正在对国家的医疗事业进行认真的检查。
- There is already an extensive cooperative medical service. 合作医疗已经有了广大的发展。
- We paid the business tax on the income we received,according to the service item of the tax law. 我们就取得的收入按服务业缴营业税。
- Mid Atlantic Medical Services Inc. 宣布收购中大西洋医学服务公司。
- Personnel training has become a most representative quality service item of the center. 上图为:人才培训已成为中心精品服务项目。