- Observations on the Morphological Structure of Style and Stigma of Male Sterile Line of Medicago varia Martin. Cv. 苜蓿雄性不育系花柱与柱头形态结构观察研究。
- Abstract: The height increased fashion of Bromus inermis Leyss and Medicago varia Marein,cv. 摘 要: 研究无芒雀麦与草原二号苜蓿的混播比例、株高和地上生物量积累动态。
- Liu Meiling,Bao Yintogeto.An experiment on mix-sowing of Elymus sibiricus and Medicago varia[J].Grassland of China,2004,26(1):23-26. [3]刘美玲;宝音陶格涛.;老芒麦与草原2号苜蓿混播试验[J]
- BAOYin Taogetao.The experimental study of mix-sowing of Bromus inermis and Medicago varia[J].Acta Agrestia Sinica,2001,9(1):73-76. [6]宝音陶格涛.;无芒雀麦与苜蓿混播试验[J]
- Medicago varia Martin .cv. Caoyuan No.3 草原3号杂花苜蓿
- Medicago varia cv. Caoyuan NO. 3 苜蓿
- Medicago varia cv. Gannong NO. 1 甘农1号杂花苜蓿
- The Experimental Study of Mix-Sowing of Bromus inermis and Medicago varia 无芒雀麦与苜蓿混播试验
- The Dynamics of Total Sugar and Nitrogen Content in Communities of Medicago varia, Bromus inermis in Mixture and Single 苜蓿、无芒雀麦混播与单播群落总糖及氮素含量动态
- Medicago varian. 杂交苜蓿
- Medicago varia Martyn 杂花苜蓿
- Yellow type Medicago ruthenica L. 黄花型扁蓿豆
- Karyotype analysis of two species of Medicago. 两种苜蓿植物的核型分析.
- Quaility and product analysis of six kinds of Medicago sativa L. 六种紫花苜蓿当年产草量及品质的研究分析。
- Technology of Interplanting Poplus L. And Medicago sativa L. 杨树套种紫花苜蓿栽培技术。
- According to forage yield and quality, growth speed and regrowth rate, Tumu No. 2 (Medicago saliva L.) , Altai and Shihezi variegated (M. varia Martyn) showed best, Beaver (M. varia Martyn) was a bit lower than these three. 历时三年;以产量、草质、越冬率、生长速度及再生等性状比较;以图牧二号紫花苜蓿(Medicago staiva L)阿勒泰杂花苜蓿(M.;varia Martyn)石河子杂花苜蓿(M
- We can now set the varia ble name at run time to whatev er we may need. 我们现在在运行时设置变量为任 意我们需要的东西。
- Effects of long-term plant Medicago sativa Linn. on soil nitrogen nutrient. 长期种植苜蓿对土壤氮素营养的作用
- Study on the Tissue Culture and Regeneration System of Medicago lupulina L. 天蓝苜蓿组织培养及再生体系的研究。
- The AfSS gene of sucrose synthase in the Medicago falcata L was cloned. 并克隆与黄花苜蓿 (Medicago falcata L.;) 耐冷性相关的蔗糖合酶基因(MfSS)。