- Media Ecology Studies 媒介生态学
- Community ecology studies how communities of plant and animal populations function and are organized. 群落生态学研究动、植物种群的组织和功能。
- Media ecology theory projects the characteristics of media morphosis and their constructive impacts on people and society. 摘要媒介环境学彰显媒介形态的特性及其对人和社会的结构性影响。
- Authorial society has paid particular attention to the study of media ecology in resent and have come to many perspectives in this area. 摘要当今关于媒介生态学的问题,学界多有关注;媒介生态问题,学界亦多有探讨。
- Along with the formalization of the social stratum in China today, the media ecology had corresponding change, the media market started to subdivide. 摘要随着中国社会阶层结构的定型,大众传媒生态也发生了相应变迁,媒介市场开始细分。
- Hsueh, I. C., Lee, K. C. J. & M. J. Lai 2001. Status and Progress of Landscape Ecology Studies in Taiwan. The 2nd IALE Asia-Pacific Region Conference, Lanzhou, China. 赖明洲、颜怡璇、薛怡珍.;2002
- Physiological ecology studies in individual and population levels approved that the physiological characteristics had be obviously divergent adaptive differentiation with genetical qualities. Two ecotypes had some capacity of adaptation. 在种群特征、年龄结构、繁殖规律、有性生殖特性、构件生长规律等种群生态学研究中,两个生态型之间差异不明显,在不同生境间数量上的大小变化主要是对不同生境生态适应的结果,属于生态可塑性的范围之内,种群在生存与发展上采取了相同的策略。
- Media Ecology and Harmony Criterion 媒介生态与和谐准则
- The Five Conceptions of Media Ecology 论媒介生态的五大观念
- Species abundance pattern plays an important role on community structure. So far, less attention has been paid to abundauce pattern in ecology study. 物种多度格局是群落结构的重要内容,但在目前的生态学研究中对其重视不够;
- Ecological studies into the new species of Ebola that has been detected in this outbreak are also being planned. 另外也在计划对这次暴发中发现的新型埃博拉病毒进行生态学研究。
- Ecological studies on relationship between the process of desertification and vegetation dynamics in the west of north-east China: Vegetation ordination. 中国东北西部地区沙质荒漠化过程与植被动态关系的生态学研究:植被的排序。
- Ecological studies using weekly or monthly weather parameters as risk exposure were prone to ecological fallacy due to uncontrollable confounding factors. 在天气变项的选择上,以每周、每月或每年天气变化为暴露因子的研究均为生态研究,可能因无法控制的干扰因子而影响结果。
- The Approaches to the New Media Ecology and Creativity 新的媒体生态与媒体创意及策略手法
- On Media Ecology and the Scientific Development of the Media Study 论媒介生态与传媒业科学发展观的构建
- Environment report in the West: with an eye of media ecology 从传媒生态角度探讨西方的环保新闻报道
- Media Ecology In the Reforming System of Newspapers and Periodicals 报刊体制改革与传媒生态
- English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school. 英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。
- The media have a lot of power today. 现在大众传播媒介有很大的力量。
- This paper presents the results of ecological study of the m acrobenthic fauna in Xiamen Gaodian tideland. 2002年4月在厦门高殿潮间带8个取样站获得大型底栖动物54种,其中多毛类动物25种,软体动物18种,甲壳动物8种,其它种类3种。