- Killing various pathogen in the air and object surface including canine distemper virus, canine parvovirus, cat distemper virus, etc. 全面杀灭空气中和物品表面包括犬瘟热病毒、犬细小病毒、猫瘟热病毒在内的各种病原。
- The determination of electron microscopy showed that there were canine distemper virus (CDV)-like virus in samples of died lesser pandas from a zoo. 对某动物园发病死亡小熊猫的病料进行电镜检查,发现了犬瘟热病毒(CDV)样病毒粒子;
- Transmission of the Canine Distemper virus occurs via an aerosol-droplet route, direct contact, or possibly by contact with contaminated objects. 传播犬瘟热病毒出现通过气溶胶液滴的路线,直接接触,或可能的接触受到污染的物体。
- Abstract: It is a reviews on the diagnosis ,active immunization and vaccination failure factors of canine distemper (CD),as well as host range of canine distemper virus (CDV). 摘 要: 本文对犬瘟热(CD)的诊断、预防免疫和免疫失败的影响因素及犬瘟热病毒(CDV)的宿主范围进行了综述。
- Canine distemper virus has been a cause of morbidity and mortality in many animals all over the world.Distemper goes through about four centuries from it was isolated firstly to today. 摘要犬瘟热病毒引起多种动物的烈性瘟热病,遍及全世界,从最初的瘟热病毒的分离,到现在犬瘟热经历了近4个世纪的传播衍化过程。
- With the help of such technologies, Bioindist has succeeded, in producing anti-rota virus IgY and rapid diagnostic kit for canine distemper virus and Canine IgY mixed powder, the first in the world. 这种技术的帮助下;已成功bioindist;在制作反病毒IgY和罗塔犬瘟热病毒快速诊断试剂盒、犬混合IgY的粉末;世界第一.
- Based on these characteristics,HmNV seemed to be probably a strainof TNV or a member of tobacco necrosis virus group. 根据这些性质,HmNV应是烟草坏死病毒的一个株系或是烟草坏死病毒组的一个成员。
- Study Advance of Canine Distemper Virus 犬瘟热病毒研究进展
- Detecting Technique for Canine Distemper Virus 犬瘟热病毒的检测技术
- Keywords canine distemper virus(CDV);Ailurus; 关键词犬瘟热病毒;小熊猫;
- Canine distemper virus antibody test kit 犬瘟热病毒抗体试剂盒(动)
- attenuated canine distemper virus 减毒犬瘟病毒
- Diagnosis of little Panda Infected Canine Distemper Virus 小熊猫犬瘟热病毒感染的诊断
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae virus group 酿酒酵母病毒组
- Isolation and Identification of Ferret Canine Distemper Virus 一株水貂犬瘟热病毒的分离与鉴定
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。
- Keywords Distemper virus;canine;N gene;Viral envelope proteins; 瘟热病毒;犬;N基因;病毒包膜蛋白质类;
- He broke away from that lawless group years ago. 他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。
- Keywords Canine distemper virus;Gene expression;Clone; 犬瘟热病毒;基因表达;克隆;