- Meals are extra. 伙食费另加。
- Our school meals are hardly eatable. 我们学校的饭菜简直没法吃。
- Her regular school fees are$43 a term, music and dancing are extra. 她固定学费每学期43美元,音乐和舞蹈另行收费。
- There are extra trains to the seaside during the summer. 通往海滨的火车在夏季有加车。
- His meals are always very good, but this time he's excelled himself. 他做的饭菜一直很拿手,但这次做得更好。
- Water is include,but gas and electricity are extra. 含水费,但煤气及电费另付。
- The meals are superb and prices moderate. 饭菜很鲜美,价格也公道。
- These meals are ideal for home freezing. 这些饭食很适合家庭冷藏。
- There are extra benefits for people on low wages. 低薪者有额外补助。
- A grand meal was laid before them. 一道奢华的菜肴摆在他们面前
- "The boots and clothes are extra," said Dick. “擦鞋洗衣服在外,”狄克说道。
- The meal was finished and the argument went on. 饭吃完了,辩论还继续进行。
- The buzzer rang when the meal was ready. 饭做好时蜂呜器发出 兹 兹的响声。
- The postage, of course, will be extra. 当然,邮资需另付。
- A place where meals are served to the public. 也就只是吃饭的地方。
- Anyone going out alone should be extra vigilant. 一人出门在外必须提高警觉。
- A: Set meals are usually cheaper. 套餐通常比较便宜。
- Meals are very lively at our house. 吃饭在我们家里是比较热闹的。
- Healthy meals are not an afterthought. 健康饮食并随意。
- Her regular school fees is $43 a term,music and dancing are extra. 她固定学费每学期43美元,音乐和舞蹈另行收费。