- McEllroy and Peck method Folin 福-麦-佩三氏法:检尿葡萄糖
- Folin, McEllroy and Peck method 福-麦-佩三氏法:检尿葡萄糖
- Many young students so their typing by hunt and peck. 许多青年学生是看着键盘打字的。
- Folin and Peck method 福-佩二氏法:检尿葡萄糖
- With Taylor, Sinatra, Pidgeon and Peck? 和泰勒、西纳特拉、皮约翰跟派克?
- The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter. 鸟儿飞出来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。
- Many young students do their typing by hunt and peck. 许多青年学生是看着键盘打字的。
- Some of the gulls will actually go up to the owls and peck at them. 一些海鸥甚至敢冲到猫头鹰面前啄它们。
- Even some famous movie stars, including Garbo and Peck, visited the building. 当时,一些著名影星如嘉宝和派克等人也曾光顾过。
- Those birds flew into buildings and pecked several humans. 这些鸟类成群飞进建筑物,并啄伤了数人。
- When I feed him, he flutters with his wings, and pecks so nicely. 每当我给它喂面包,它就扑腾着翅膀,乖乖地啄食。
- Jack: Dull! With Taylor, Sinatra, Pidgeon and Peck? I can't understand it. Who else was there? 杰克:没趣!和泰勒、西纳特拉、皮约翰跟派克?我搞不懂。那里还有谁?
- Sometimes naughty birds stand on the branches and peck green fruit with skillful mouth in order to quench their thirst and allay their hunger. 时常有顽皮的小鸟停在支架上,用灵巧的嘴儿啄食着尚未成熟的果粒,解渴充饥。
- I have a simple and easy method. 我有个简易的方法。
- He prepares to go mad with fixed rule and method. 他准备对死板的规则与方式大闹一番。
- Not a long period since they leave the cage, they come back to the cage, standing on the top which inside the cage, put up their wings and peck their feather. 它们更擅长的是蹦,它们的翅磅不过是在帮助它们蹦得远一些,离开笼子不久,它们就又回到笼子上。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- Half century has later, both Hepbum and Peck passed away too.However the flower shop still in the same place.The ice-cream shop where Hepbum went still keeps the same appearance. 事隔半个世纪,赫本已逝,派克已逝,而这个花店依然在原来的位置保留着,赫本买过冰淇淋的冷饮店也依然是原来的模样。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。