- McCarthy rs reflex 麦卡锡氏反射
- cochleopalpebral reflex Gault rs reflex 耳蜗眼睑反射
- It's just a dog's reflex movement. 这正是狗的反射运动。
- Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex. 对不起我撞著你了; 这完全是无意的。
- McCarthy rs 91 function 麦卡锡91函数
- Motor coordination; a motor reflex. 肌肉运动的协调; 肌肉运动反射
- Linda McCarthy organizes exhibits for the C-I-A. 琳达?麦卡锡负责组织中央情报局的展览,
- Mr McCarthy's clothes were all made to order. 麦卡锡先生的衣服都是定做的。
- McCarthy won Democratic primaries in four states. 麦卡锡获得拉四个州的民主支持。
- The expedition suffered all the rigo(u)rs of a Canadian winter. 这支探险队饱受了加拿大严冬的折磨。
- A law should be a reflex of the will of the people. 法律应该是全民意志的反映。
- Mccarthy, Medelon Lubin Finkel, Hirsch S. 放大图片 作者: Eugene G.
- "I was," answered McCarthy, the murder defendant. “是的,”谋杀嫌犯麦卡锡回答道。
- McCarthy's ghost needs to be exorcised. 麦卡锡的幽灵需要驱走;
- Reimer rs reflex 赖默氏反射
- They keep on going," said Carolyn McCarthy. 他们依然我行我素。”
- It is very useful to use a miniature reflex camera. 使用小型反光镜照相机很有用。
- Hering-Breuer rs reflex 黑-伯二氏反射
- Erben rs reflex 埃尔本氏反射
- It was clear that Mccarthy was spoiling for a fight. 显然麦卡锡很想大打出手。