- Maybe it will blow over. 那(座公寓的)事可能会被忘掉的。
- The incident will blow over in course of time. 这件事过一段时间就会被忘掉的。
- The storm will blow over right away. 暴风雨很快就会平息。
- Bear up, out troubles will blow over in no time. 打起精神来,我们的困难马上就会消除的。
- Rumours are rumours. It will soon blow over. 流言终归是流言,不久就会平息。
- Give it a few days,"said Father."It will all blow over. “过几天它就会显现出来了。”父亲说。
- Hang in there. Maybe it will get better. 撑着点。或许情况会好转的。
- Bear up,out troubles will blow over in no time. 打起精神来,我们的困难马上就会消除的。
- So, in this way, maybe it will be good for you. 那么,也许对你来说这还是好事呢。
- Stand your ground. This whole thing will blow over. 站稳脚跟吧。这整个事情会烟消云散的。
- Maybe it will be the last time to say goodnight. 当我决心真心去爱的时候,当我鼓足勇气去爱的时候,
- Maybe it will ends tonight.I hope tomorrow is new start. 希望这样的情绪赶快过去!
- Well, maybe it will be hot.? Maybe cold.? Who knows? B? 哦,可能会热。可能会冷。谁知道呢?
- The gender will be Reggae, the location maybe it will be Oporto. 性别将雷鬼,地点可能会波尔图。
- Maybe it will open when the strong raw tuna is digested. 也许,当那些生鲔鱼消化以后,它就有力量张开了。
- Well, we've had cold, wind and rain over the last few weeks.? Maybe it will be warmer. 哦,在过去的几周里,天气又冷又刮风下雨的。也许天气要暖起来了。
- When there is solar halo, it will rain; When there is lunar halo, it will blow. 日晕而雨,月晕而风。
- If you put on the radio, the television, and the iron, it will blow the fuses. 假如你同时打开收音机、电视机和电熨斗,就会烧断保险丝。
- When there is solar halo,it will rain;when there is lunar halo,it will blow. 日晕而雨,月晕而风。
- Yes, you can do that. But I think maybe it will be better in this way. 是的,您可以那样做,但也许用这种方式会更好些。