- Matsumura Akira 松村明(1916-),日本人,文学教授。
- Akira that ran nearly naked in the street. 仙道会衣衫不整的在街上疯跑?
- Seki Junzo,Sonoke Satoru,Saheki Akira,et al. 余江南;童珊珊;徐希明;等.
- Akira grew up in a brewery, and speaks proudly of it. 晶在一个酿酒厂长大,谈起这个的时候她非常自豪。
- Meanwhile, Hikari and Akira are alone in the greenhouse. 与此同时,光和明二人在温室里。
- Again, Akira says she won't.Instead, she decides to revolt. 明又一次说她不会回去,而且,她还要搞点叛乱。
- Akira Toriyama April 5, 1955, born in Japan's Aichi Prefecture. 鸟山明1955年4月5日生于日本爱知县。
- I also met Akira Kamiya during an event in Japan last year. 我去年在日本遇见了神谷明(福克的声优)。
- If he just ignores Akira's presence then it should be fine. 只要他无视现在的明就没事了。
- SW: What is your involvement with Akira Kurosawa on his new samurai film? 在黑泽明最新的武士电影里,你担任什么样的角色?
- Tadashi says that Akira can't stay mad like this for very long, either. 宙说明不可能长时间的一直这样生气。
- Matsumura, Masahiro. "Inside Japans'Energy Development Politics: What Outsiders Do Not Know. 松村昌广〈日本能源发展的政治内幕:外界不知的内幕〉
- Kei smiles and concludes that everyone has a reason for why Akira is mad. 彗笑着总结道,每个人都有让明暴走的原因。
- A begin to place blame on each other for the reason Akira is so angry. 龙说是宙的错,因为他拒吃明做的料理。
- When Tadashi hears what's happened to Akira, he looks all too excited about it. 当宙听到明身上所发生的事情,他看上去很兴奋。
- Ryu says it's Tadashi's fault because he rejected the food that Akira made. 宙反驳他并把错归咎到龙和双胞胎姐妹身上。
- Matsumura, S. 1917. A list of the Aphididae of Japan, with description of new species and genera. J. Coll. Agr. Tokoku Imp. Univ. , 7:351-414. [姜立云;乔格侠;张广学;2004.;中国新纪录属--斑大蚜属研究(同翅目;蚜科;大蚜亚科)
- Maki Mitsuo Matsumura Susumu Matsuzaka Jir.Sakamoto Tatsuko Suminoe Ky.hei Suzuki Ry.hei Toyoshima Kazushi Tsuga Shizuko Tsuga Shir.Arita Eisabur.Azuma Mitsue Kat. 主演: Fumito Matsuo 岚宽寿郎 山本礼三郎 松浦筑枝 Shoroku Onoe Atsumi Miho T.;roku Makino 中根龙太郎 Koenji Ichikawa Suzuko Isokawa Mitsur
- Matsumura T, Matsushima N. Endogenous Cost Differentials between Public and Private Enterprises: a Mixed Duopoly Approach [J]. Economica, Vol 71, 2004 (4): 671 - 688. 林毅夫李志赟.;政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束[J]
- From rookie to pro, Hikaru adanced greatly under Sai's guidance and Akira's pressure. 在佐为的指导与小亮的压力下,光仔进步神速,从菜鸟成长为专业棋手。