- Mastogloia granan. 颗粒胸隔藻
- These stacks of thylakoids are called grana. 这些成堆的类囊体称为质体基粒。
- The inside of a chloroplast with the granum circled. 叶绿体的内部构造与颗粒盘旋。
- With the light microscope these stacks are just visible as grains (grana). 可以用光学显微镜观察到这些堆积成颗粒状的物质(质体基粒)。
- Grana stacks have the interesting property of unfolding in low ionic strength medium. 在低离子强度介质中,基粒垛叠能打开这是一个有意思的性质。
- Chloroplast size was bigger and grana stack was thicker in tetraploid than that in diploid. 四倍体的叶绿体的长度和宽度均显著高于二倍体,基粒片层加厚,结构致密有序。
- After the leaf senescence, chloroplasts became round and grana lamellae changed into disarray arrangement and blurring. 衰老后叶肉细胞叶绿体由长椭圆形趋于圆形,基粒片层逐渐变得杂乱至模糊不清。
- In all plants except algae, the thylakoids overlap at intervals to form stacks, like piles of coins, called grana. 在除了藻类的所有植物中,许多圆盘状的类囊体叠置成垛,称为基粒。
- The chloroplasts of the mesophyll, by contrast, appear normal and contain grana, but do not form starch grains. 相比较而言,叶肉细胞内的叶绿体数目少、含基粒,但不形成淀粉粒。
- Drain and put them in a platter, drizzle with the soy sauce, dress with grated Grana Padano and serve. 把它们过滤放入一个盘子里,上面淋酱油,用奶酪粉调味,以后上桌。
- I do not want to be pessimistic, but the grana says high more nowadays.I know there!we go to twist! 我不是悲观主义者,但是如今比赛确实难打了,我们期待吧。
- The chloroplasts in the swamp reed were round-shaped with poorly developed grana. 芦苇是一种多年生水生草本植物,其典型生境是淡水或含盐的沼泽、河边或湖边。
- After 6 days of recovery in the light,the grana were clear and stacked increasingly. 恢复6天时,基粒垛叠较丰富,且片层清晰;
- On the other hand, during the same period, the relative volume percentage of grana per chloroplast increased. 但在此时期,每个叶绿体之基粒的相对容积比例则上升。
- The cells of the bundle sheath that surround the vascular tissues are large and contain specialized elongated chloroplasts that do not contain grana, but form starch grains. 它的特点为:围绕在维管组织外层的维管束薄壁细胞较大,并含有较大的叶绿体,这些叶绿体中不含基粒,但形成淀粉粒。
- For the manufacturing of hard Italian cheese varieties, like Grana types, Chr. Hansen offers traditional culture solutions. 科汉森公司为生产硬质意大利干酪提供了传统发酵剂。
- The aging of chloroplasts was accelerated and the lamellae of the grana and stroma were disintegrated gradually under salt stress. 叶绿体是植物细胞中对盐分最敏感的细胞器[1],易受到盐胁迫的伤害,使其膜系统紊乱和破坏[2,3,4]。
- The IUFA of grana lamella were significantly decreased, but the IUFA of stroma lamella were increased firstly and then decreased. 低温处理后,不饱和脂肪酸指数均比对照上升,但两优培九上升幅度没有汕优63大。
- The internal structure of chloroplasts includes stacks of membranes called grana which are embedded in a matrix called the stroma. 叶绿体的内部结构是由多层膜形成的叶绿体基粒,其中包埋在基质中的基粒称子座。
- Result: In cells of weightless group and hit group,some changes were found in chloroplast grana,starch grains and vesicles in chloroplasts. 结果:发现叶绿体的基粒片层、淀粉粒及叶绿体中的囊泡等在失重组和击中组中有不同程度的变化。