- Marx s dialectics 马克思辩证法
- And still Feuerbach" s dialectics thoughts play a certain role in Marx"s establishing materialist (practical) dialectics. 费尔巴哈辩证法思想还对马克思创建唯物(实践)辩证法有一定的启迪。
- Karl Marx' s works are the treasure of the revolutionary peoples. 卡尔?马克思的著作是革命人民的宝贵财富。
- Marx s Literary criticism is an important part of his ideological criticism. 马克思的文学批评是其意识形态批判的重要组成部分。
- If we want to evaluate Feuerbach"s dialectics thoughts objectively and impartially, we have to set a standard of evaluation. 要对费尔巴哈的辫证法思想作一个客观、公正的评价,就必须明确一个评判标准。
- However, there are few thesises that formed systerm on honorific language which use in WEI ZANG"s dialect. 但作为藏语内部分支的卫藏方言中的敬语,对其研究的学者为数不多,在这方面,形成系统的论文更少。
- Marx’s theory has been used widely since 1990s that colonize aggression is destructive and constructive, called “Double Mission”. 兰
- Even noncommunist countries like the United States adopted many of Marx’s socialist ideas, including free education and a graduated income tax. 即使是美国这种非共产主义国家也采纳了很多马克思的社会主义理论,包括义务教育和累进收入税。
- M. M. Bober, Karl Marx‘s Interpretation of History, 2d ed., Harvard Economic Studies (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1948), 89. 高淑贵,家庭社会学:台湾地区的家庭与婚姻,社会学新知识1(台北市:黎明文化,民国80年),页9。
- The combination of education and production is the fundamentality of Marx s educational thought, and it becomes guidance of the PRC. 教育与生产劳动相结合是马克思教育思想的根本点,它成为社会主义国家教育事业的指导思想。
- Therefore, in Marx’s opinion, Feuerbach’s theory is no more than a “Religion on Love”, a new type of spiritual opium. 因此,在马克思看来,费尔巴哈的思想最终只能归结为关于爱的宗教,是一种新的麻痹人的精神鸦片。
- Kawakami Hajime was the person who translated Karl Marx’s Das Kapital into Japanese.In his last years, he lived in seclusion. 摘要 河上肇是中国现代史上最初接受马克思学说的中介者之一。
- Some of Chinese economists blindly advocate Western Econo mics,and Marx s Economics,as our guidelines,is faced with many grave challenges. 本文认为,当前我国经济理论界论战的关键问题之一,是如何正确对待马克思主义经济学和西方经济学的关系。
- The formation of Marx’s philosophy had the unique way from the mentalism to the humanitarian materialism and then to the historical materialism. 马克思哲学的形成有从唯心主义到人本唯物主义再到历史唯物主义的独特路径。
- In chapter 3, I elaborate Marx’s critique of the morals as well as the economic and ethical relations in a capitalist society, from the perspective of criticizing fetishism. 第三章从拜物教批判的角度,阐述马克思对资本主义社会经济伦理关系进行价值批判的思想。
- The third maxim:the recognition of society is dynamic, there are many people unrecognized by the society, such as Van Gogh’s paintings ,Marx’s thought. 第三条箴言:国际化人才不是一个地理意义上的概念,而是文化、心理层面的概念。是否是 国际化人才取决于一个人的涵养、知识构成和思维模式。
- Only by authentically interpreting Marx' s concept of substance, can we grasp the essentiality of Marxist philosophy, and the Marxist philosophy system as well. 只有正确解读马克思的物质概念,才能把握马克思主义哲学的真髓,从而正确把握马克思和马克思主义哲学体系。
- This dissertation demonstrates the relation and the difference between the ideas of Herder’s philosophy of history and the theory of Marx’s Historical Materialism. 文章从三个方面论述了赫尔德的历史哲学思想和马克思的历史唯物主义理论之间的关联与差异性。首先赫尔德在强调历史的主体是人本身的时候,说出了人是人的本身;
- Abstract: Marx' s concept of substance, formed during the era against metaphysics and for positivism, is one with contemporary significance in philosophy. 文章摘要: 马克思的物质概念是一个在哲学上具有当代性意义的概念,它是在反对形而上学,提倡实证科学的时代氛围中确立的。
- Western Guangzhong Area' s Dialect 关中西部方言