- Marquesan Swiftletn. 马克萨金丝燕
- Some kind of swiftlet, presumably Himalayan. 某种金丝燕,大概是短嘴金丝燕。
- Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Hawaiian, Marquesan and Society islands. 印度-太平洋:红海而且东非到夏威夷,马贵斯群岛与社会群岛。
- Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Hawaiian, Marquesan and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. 印度-太平洋:红海而且东非到夏威夷,马贵斯群岛与迪西岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛。
- Position the pots slightly away from the edged corner, since swiftlet only snatch their prey in flight. 将准备好的昆虫生产物置放于鸟屋的旋空间,或在鸟屋口至鸟巢的行道上。
- Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: East Africa to the Line, Marquesan and Society islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. 印度-太平洋:东非到列岛群岛,马贵斯群岛与社会群岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛。
- Swiftlet's are found in Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and other Southeast Asian countries. 原产印尼、泰国、马来西亚南洋等地。
- Let's share about the Swiftlet,Bird Nest, Swiftlet Farming and Bird Nest Recipe. 分享燕子,燕窝,燕屋,养燕和品尝燕窝的心得。
- Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa to the Hawaiian, Marquesan and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe Island. 印度-太平洋: 红海而且东非到夏威夷, 马贵斯群岛与迪西岛, 北至日本南部, 南至罗得豪岛。
- Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: Red Sea (Ref. 12541) and East Africa to the Marquesan Islands, north to the Ryukyu Islands (Ref. 559), south to northern Australia. 印度-太平洋:红海(参考文献12541)而且东非到马贵斯群岛,北至琉球群岛(参考文献559),南至澳洲北部。
- The only doubt over its identity concerns other swiftlet species which occur in the tropical Pacific and perhaps wander. 在辨识上我们需要怀疑其他种类的金丝燕是在热带太平洋地区,可能会四处游荡的种类。
- Gazetteer Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa (Ref. 4392) to the Line, Marquesan, and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe and Rapa islands. 印度-太平洋:红海与东非(参考文献4392)到列岛群岛,马贵斯群岛与迪西岛,北至日本南部,南至罗得豪岛与拉帕群岛。
- The protein contained in swiftlet nest is distinct in that it is a biologically active protein, providing revitalization to the human body. 燕窝是当今世界上最好的养颜美容品。真正从生理上达成人体的抗衰、抗皱、嫩肤与美白之愿望。
- The swallows' nest is one of the Chinese traditional valuable foods, it from the saliva secrete by esculent swift(SWIFTLET) again hybrid other materials constitute. 燕窝是中国传统名贵食品之一,它是由金丝燕(SWIFTLET )所分泌出来的唾液再混合其它物质构成的。
- edible white-bellied swiftlet nest 燕窝
- .. swiftlet farm "bird nest" "china bird nest" "malaysia cave nest" "history of bird nest" ... swiftletfarm;history of bird nest;cave nest;燕窝历史;血燕窝;山洞燕窝;金丝燕 .
- .. swiftlet farm "bird nest" "china bird nest" "malaysia cave nest" "history of bird nest" "bird house... swiftletfarm;history of bird nest;cave nest;燕窝历史;血燕窝;山洞燕窝;金丝燕 .
- Marquesan Reed Warblern. 马岛苇莺
- Marquesan (大洋洲)马克萨斯人,马克萨斯群岛的,马克萨斯人的
- swiftletn. [鸟]金丝燕(产食用燕窝)