- Marina Janicke 雅尼克
- The laval council finance the development of the marina. 开发小船坞的资金是由当地议会提供的。
- And the marina building had started to go. 系船坞的房子开始倒塌。
- At Pattara Marina we board M/5 Mai Thai. 在芭堤雅码头我们乘五号码头的湄泰号轮船。
- Marina has a heap of housework to do today. 玛丽娜今天有一大堆家务要做。
- Lincoln, T-Bag, and Gretchen scan the Marina. 林肯的T袋,并格雷琴扫描滨海。
- Marina hesitates, then walks over to her. 犹豫了,然后走到她跟前。
- After a moment, Marina pulls away. 在片刻以后,M抽身。
- The prize winner from Asia is Marina Rikhvanova. 亚洲的获奖者是玛瑞娜.;R。
- Tivoli Marina Portimao: Photos and direct prices! 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!
- Avicennia marina( Forsk. ) Vierh. 白骨壤
- Marina Gunter: Business Unity S.A. 路听听听听听听听听听 Ms.
- Marina Ulleque is a social worker with the Visayan Forum. 尤里克是维萨扬论坛基金会的一名社会工作者。
- The piled goods on marina are all caried to ships by workers. 四川重庆码头边堆积如山的货物,全靠装卸工扛到船上。
- The love of his life is Marina: she is very stylish. 他生命中最爱的是“玛利娜”:她很时髦。
- Marina: (answering machine) Jenny... It's Marina. I'm sorry. 电话答录机)J...我是M。我很抱歉。
- Thank Marina, for your visit and comment! Best wishes, Tom. 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- Wellen, Marina , wir Meer! Tiefen, Marina , wir Himmel. 海浪,玛丽娜,我们是海!深度,玛丽娜,我们是天空!
- The prize winner from Asian is Medina Marina Rikhvanova. 高曼奖北美地区获奖人是耶稣利昂桑托斯。