- Chairman Mao is our great leader. 毛主席是我们的伟大领袖。
- Mao Zhiyong 毛致用
- Chairman Mao wrote "In Memory of Norman Bethune" at the end of1939. 1939年底,毛主席写下了《纪念白求恩》一文。
- Zhiyong Yuan, Guifeng Zha, Mianyun Chen. 袁志勇;查桂峰;陈绵云.
- Mao Zedong(Mao Tse-tung)departed this life in 1976. 毛泽东逝世于1976年。
- We must spread Mao Tsetung Thought. 我们必须传播毛泽东思想。
- Chairman Mao himself gave me that power. 这是毛主席亲自交代给我的。
- Still, Mao chose to treat my remarks at face value. 毛还是宁愿按照表面价值来对待我的谈话。
- Mao was an ardent student of philosophy. 毛泽东是个认真研究哲学的人。
- Mao Zedong Thought is an ideological system. 毛泽东思想是个思想体系。
- That was Chairman Mao's strategic decision. 这是毛主席的战略决策。
- If this goes on,it will debase Mao Zedong Thought. 这样搞下去,要损害毛泽东思想。
- Comrade Mao Zedong made that clear a long time ago. 这是毛泽东同志早就说过了的。
- We used to have Chairman Mao as the core. 在历史上,我们有毛主席这个核心。
- Soon he learnt this poem by Chairman Mao by heart. 他很快就把毛主席的这首诗背下来了。
- I've got it. It is a quotation from Chairman Mao. 想起来了, 这是毛主席的语录。
- This order was drafted by Comrade Mao Tse-tung. 这个命令是毛泽东起草的。
- What would you like to drink, Mao Tai or rice wine? 喜欢喝什么?茅台还是黄酒?
- I talked with Mr. Mao yesterday. 我昨天和毛先生谈过了。
- I've heard a lot about your Mao Tai. 我已久闻中国茅台酒的大名。